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Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
Jul 21, 2007
central New Brunswick Canada
Ralphie has been on doxy and baytril since the end of Dec.
A few days ago he started to have to use quite a bit of effort to breath and his nostrils flare.
He is still eating and very active.
Vet visit yesterday, wheezing in both lungs but no fluid.
Changed his meds to baytril + azithro last night.
Starting him on heart meds in a couple of days if no improvement in case it is his heart ...

For those that may not be aware:
I got Ralphie last April. He was on pine in a 5 gallon tank, no toys, no house, etc. At that time I was told he was 2 years old - which I do not think was correct.
After medical treatment, a quarantine and lots of tlc, Ralphie was adopted out to a nice family along with a couple of baby boys. Ralphie found the adjustment too difficult and started biting people and attacking other rats. After discussing the situation with the people and offering help working with Ralphie in their home, it was decided that I would take Ralphie back.
Ralphie was neutered and happily integrated in with my other ratties.
Ralphie is a wonderful little boy with a great personality.
Hoping he responds to the meds.
No idea how old Ralphie is. Somewhere between 2 years and 3 years ...
Believe it or not, I'm even worse at guessing people's ages :wink:

As I write this, Ralphie is grooming himself in a hammock hanging from the top of the martins playpen.


Ralphie has gained a bit of weight from all the stuff I need to mix into his meds to make them taste good.

SQ said:
No idea how old Ralphie is. Somewhere between 2 years and 3 years ...
Believe it or not, I'm even worse at guessing people's ages :wink:

As I write this, Ralphie is grooming himself in a hammock hanging from the top of the martins playpen.

and grooming himself in a hammock is exactly as it should be! The poor little furmel. How cruel is THAT for them to have kept him in a cage with no toys??? :(

I just don't get some people. If they can't love an animal then they have no business having one. :(

Scritches and a smoooooooooch on the head to the precious little gent. Thank God he has you. :love6:
Ralphie isn't doing well :(
Added fortekor on Sat. evening
Added pred today.
He is doing worse today, not even interested in eating a piece of banana.
Hoping the meds start helping.
Could give lasix but he didn't have any fluid in his lungs when the vet checked last week.
If he isn't feeling better soon, may load all 25 ratties in the car and go visit my vet in NB. (5 hr drive each way)
Can't afford to pay over $82 just to have a vet listen to his lungs here in NS.
Vet in NB will examine him and do an xray ... you can imagine the cost of an xray here :(
Thanks Jorats.
He uses a lot of effort to breath and his nostrils have been flaring since before going to the vets last week.
But he isn't gasping and until today was eating, grooming, climbing the playpen, etc. He is still eating but not as interested in food ...
Three of his friends have spent most of the day cuddling with Ralphie in the hammock.

Very worried ... :(
So sorry to hear that. He looked so well yesterday.

The other rats know something that we don't, probably. I am glad that they are snuggling with him; it's such a nice change from the way his life used to be.