Puzzle is kickin' butt and taking names!

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It seems like you can't catch a break how unlucky, you're doing the best you can. Do you have an E-vet in your city? It'll be an arm and a leg but it might be useful in this case.
I had already looked into it. I told my mom it would be $100 without the cost of antibiotics I nearly saw her blood pressure go up. She was willing to go yesterday and had pulled out the phone book, but we got the bleeding under control and within an hour he was tottling around, eating, and drinking like his normal self. I feel so guilty that I can't offer him an e-vet appointment.
We've got e-vets here too but most refuse to see exotics. Some will try but it's a waste of money because they have no idea what to do.
are you keeping or taking the 'lump' to the vet so they can see what on earth it is?

I knew the pic would be gruesome... i just wish i had waited till id finished my dinner lmao (only 5 more minutes). damn curiosity
Wow, that's an awful picture *gag*. My Captain Crunch is not tasting so good now.

Poor Puzzle.... it's so hard to find rat friendly vets sometimes.
It was even nastier to have to touch it in person, gooey stuff was getting stuck to my fingers. :sick2: I made it a link for your sake but it looks like curiosity got the best of you. LOL

Besides the hardness I mentioned that's behind/around the hole, I discovered that it's even growing hard beneath his little chin.. :wallbang: I picked up some baby cereal for him even though he's still interested in all of his crunchy foods.
I recieved the Doxy and Metacam in the mail yesterday and boy was I happy! There's obvious infection coming from the hole in the open abscess but it doesn't smell half as raunchy as it did when the mass was still there. I'm still flushing it with salt water and applying ointment. He's already showing difficulty eating Mazuri so I'm keeping their cereal/oat mix available as well as baby cereal and baby food.

I don't think I have the heart to watch Puzzle go downhill with an abscessed tooth. I want him to pass while he's still in relative comfort. I'm going to see how he's doing when Dr Keir comes back from vacation on Tuesday..

I talked to the owner of his mom, dad, and siblings to find out if any of them have had abscesses. They've all been lump free and the only difference in diet is the Mazuri.. I'm starting to think that I won't be feeding them blocks anymore and switch over to Suebee's and some vegetarian dog food.
I am so very sorry.
Hope Puzzle is soon feeling better and has a lot of good quality time left with you.
I disolve harlan 2014 blocks in water with a bit of olive oil to make mush.
Easy for sick or elderly ratties to eat, they really like it, and harlan is an excellent block.
Trust me, I'd never feed my kids a seed mix. I know about all the nasty dangers. By cereal mix I mean that I have a container with fun stuff like cheerios, raw pumpkin seeds, organic cereal, rolled oats, puffed rice, and different types of pasta to treat them.

I don't have access to HT right now because I don't have money in my Paypal. I think LJ lives in London [that's where I'm going to school] and I think she orders it for her rescues.. I'm going to ask her if I could pitch some money into her orders to get some proper blocks. Unfortunately I've never come across Oxbow in stores but I still keep my eyes peeled. Mazuri is the only block I've ever found besides hamster blocks, which I don't trust.
Everything was looking really grim for Puzzle but the Doxy must have completely roundhoused the infection because everything has healed up wonderfully! :happydance: It looks like he's been shaved is all. :giggle: He's back to munching his blocks [thank goodness!] but I'm keeping an eye on the hardness of his chin. He's back to his old self. Thankyou so much everyone for keeping up with my dilemma and offering all the help possible. :cuddle:

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