Possible URI?

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Apr 29, 2011
My rats Zoey, might have an Upper Respitory Infection. There are no vets in my area that are close at all that treat rats. There are vets, but not that treat rats. When i first got her, she would make those noises a lot, and all the time, but the longer ive had her, the better she's gotten. I got her on March 20th 2011. She only makes the noises once in a while and they are very low and quiet when she does. Is it possible that she's getting better on her own? And is there anything i can give her to help? Like a little advil or baby meds? Ive been taking her outside and she sits on my shoulder while im taking a walk. Maybe the fresh air is helping?? Ive also been giving her lots of healthy fruits and veggies. Anything else i can do? or things i shouldnt do with her?
For URIs, I've read that you can run a hot shower and sit with her in the washroom (the steam will help clear her lungs). You have to monitor her closely to see if she feels better or worse, because sometimes the steam makes it harder for a rat to breathe; in that case, take her away from the washroom ASAP, and let her cool down.

You can also give her a mixture with some Echinacea tincture and ginger oil (maybe use Uncle Jim's Duk Soup mix) to provide some relief of her symptoms. It's always a hit-and-miss with home remedies from what I've heard, though. It won't make her URI worse, but you might just be wasting money on something that won't work (which is why it's better to get a pet to a vet, rather than trying to fix her up yourself).

One other thing I've had a friend tell me she used for her gerbil (I know, different animal than rats) is VetRX Respiratory Relief. I looked it up online, and it seems it is safe to use on rats... Then again if I were in your shoes, I would probably call up a vet who does see rats and ask for a quick opinion, just in case. :3 Most vets are happy to give a quick yes or no.
When you first brought her home it is possible she had a bit of the "new home sneezes", something commonly seen in rats. But if you've had her since March 20th, they should have cleared up by now. What sort of noises is she making? Do they seem to come from her nose, as if she is congested? Is she sneezing?

When in doubt, it is always better to get to a vet, or maybe give one a call since there aren't any nearby. Things like Echinacea are good immune system boosters, but they are mainly used to help prevent future illness, not cure a current infection.

If you try using shower steam to clear up any congestion she may have, be careful that afterwards you don't take her back into a room that is too cool. Jumping straight from a steamy sauna into a much cooler tempreture could make her chilled and worsen her condition. Make sure to keep her warm after such a treatment.

Best treatment for a URI is antibiotics, and the sooner you can diagnose an infection and start antibiotics, the better.
Several cat and dog vets are able to treat rats, it's not that much different when it comes down to listening to the lungs and diagnosing other simple things.
I'd try to see a vet regardless. Only vet prescribed antibiotics will ever clear a respiratory infection. Hot showers and quick fixes will only alleviate the symptoms not treat the illness.
Thanks, i will try all of those suggestions. :) I just printed out all of your posts so i can try them. When i first brought her home, it sounded like wheezing, but the sound was only coming from her nose. When i put her chest up to my ear, her lungs sounded clear, and they still do. My mom is a nurse and i used her stethiscope to listen better, and her lungs still sounded clear. Yes, she was sneezing a lot more when i first brougth her home, and she rarely sneezes now. But sometimes, i still hear thast sound coming from her nose. That's why im so confused. Maybe it's a rattie cold? Can they get those? She's also gotten better since the weather got warmer and ive been taking her outside. But the noises havnt completely stopped. And when she does sneeze i can feel it, cuz she ususally sneezes on my arm. I dont see anything, but i could feel a little wetness. is that normal? She doesnt breath heavy either. She's perfectly happy and playful other than the noises and occasional sneeze.
Bactrim is something I've been able to give to young rats who have shown any respiratory noise; it may only be 'new home' syndrome, but with anything possibly 'myco', it's always best to treat it right away, just in case, for at least 4 to 6 weeks.

Deb Ducommen also has on her site that basic antibiotics can be ordered online too; one is called 'Jed's Pigeon Supplies', where basic doxycycline, baytril, amoxicillan, etc. can be ordered directly - a good thing if you don't have a rat vet nearby. Deb could also guide you on how to mix the meds (amount with simple syrup) based upon your rattie's weight.

Best of luck!

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