Possible Ivermectin Toxicity, please help.

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Aug 22, 2020
I have had Tater for 1.4 years now, and he is 1 and a half. He and his brothers are the light of my life. He was being treated for an URI and I decided to also use Ivermectin as he had been itching a lot. He has taken this medicine at least 6 other times. I noticed he wasn't moving from his bed about 6 hours after treatment, ( I measured it with a tiny syringe super careful and had some one else look at it, and his brothers took it as well). 24 hours post medication Tater was limp, not moving and laying in the same spot. I have been giving him pedialite, feeding him, and making sure his bed is clean, I am taking care of him every two hours. His left leg has gone limp, he can't move it, he is dragging it. Yesterday was a big improvement day, he was trying to walk and seemed to have more pep in his step, then today he was much more lethargic and wanted nothing to do with me or his brothers.

Could this be the ivermectin, or could this be a coincidence and he is having another issue?
Ivermectin can cause stroke and death if overdosed (which is very easy to do). Revolution for parasites is safest and easiest for future reference. Is it his front leg or back leg he cannot move?
I am not sure about the uti, he doesn’t seem swollen- but I am under the assumption it wasn’t the ivermectin now. He is just so sleepy. He is sleeping 24/7. But his appetite is still good when I hand feed him. Can they bounce back from this, or is this his way of telling me he’s on his way out? Thanks for the help.
I had noticed the last few months he was walking wobbly - like he was tripping over his own feet perhaps ?
Ohhh ok that changes things. He may have HED (spinal nerve degeneration) which can be a part of aging. Had he been walking more flat-footed than on his toes lately?
Ohhh wait he's only 18 months. Too early for age related HED. Hmmm. Are you able to pull him out and take a video on a flat surface that isn't slippery and I can see his feet? You can offer him a small light treat to see what he does with it.
Yes, his back legs were almost buckling and as you said more flat. I just thought he was getting clumsy or older. :( could this cause him to sleep 24/7? I will look into it further. Thanks again.
I will later today. He is actually kind of dragging his side now. It seems much worse. His breathing is also off, it seems labored :(
It sounds like he had a stroke. It will affect one side of his body. Does this sound right? If you pick him up and dangle him his mouth may even droop on one side.
I don’t see his mother drooping - luckily today he had some improvements. He was hungrier, thirstier and less sleepy: when I got him out he was even slapping me ( he’s a sassy boy ) when he was done with his food lol. So when he walks, he has the left foot that is curled upon its self, also I noticed he’s straining to go to the restroom. Would this be related to a stroke ? Also, what would help him recover? Thanks so much again, you have been very helpful.
It's possible he didn't get enough fluids to make his stool easy to pass. Try to make sure he gets more just in case.

Sometimes strokes can resolve on their own in time. I hope he's one of these.
I found tonight, a large penis plug on him that was the size of a pea or bigger. Could this indicate an infection, or is five days long enough to build that up? Thanks.
Thanks for all the help. I think Tater is suffering from a tumor. I had no idea the signs to look for, he as always had a bulging bad eye, even had him at the vet the week before he fell so ill. This is also the side his body is limp on
And his eye is now much worse, sore so much larger. ( treated him his whole life for it- never got better) He has stopped eating. Is there anything that will reverse a brain tumors profession, or would the humane thing to help him cross over ? Thanks for your help.

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