OMG, what a beautiful looking little man, I know his heart is as beautiful as his body cause he's a rat.
Very scary. I tell myself 'that's lilspaz and she's experienced and can handle it' but then I look at myself and yeah I'm experienced enough to handle the occurence but I can't hande it happening to someone I love...
I don't know how you look after yourself while you look after all the kids... I hope kudos help a bit.
Big love to Talty. I hope it never occurs again. If it does he's in the best hands. If it's his time he sure got to spend it where any rattie would love to live, right?
I don't worry about your kids, they live & die with a lucky beginning, a good life, and mom finding the best balance between living & dying for them.
Talty needs a little help with a lot of self-respect added. He's in the right place. Please give him a kiss for me. And ask him to give you a hug for me.