poor Slava... choking !!!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
lawrence, ks
So I woke up early this morning to work on some finals, I gave my rats a bit of my toast and got to work. I've just noticed though that Slava is choking after eating a lab block (I think... that was the last thing I've seen him eat this morning).

I know that RMCA recommends staying calm and letting it pass, but this is... freaky... drool on his chin, weird noises, slow, low moving, dragging his chin. Any advice?

My boys HAVE GOT to stop being sick :panic:

thanks :heart:
sarah, slava and little rat
It is very hard to watch them choke. Rats will generally work the obstruction out themselves hence the saliva. Please remain as calm as possible.
bread and toast are often the culprits with choking...but it sounds like he is working things out well. Its hard to watch, but once its over he'll be back to normal and it will take hours for your heart to stop racing. :cheeky:
Should I try to give him some water with a syringe (not force, but see if he'll take it)? There is a lot of saliva, and he seems to be half in/out of sleep. :sad3:
OK -- I'm keeping him in sight and he seems to be doing ... stagnate. Should I make sure he stays awake??

For once I'm "happy" that I have to be at home working on a paper....
He stopped drooling and slept with Little Rat for a bit. Most of his drool had little bits of toast in it :sick2: so I think that we're gonna lay off of that for a while.

He's been cleaning himself, and just drank some water from a syringe. Gonna keep a good eye on him while I'm home. Hopefully it's passed, but it's clear that it sent his poor little body into shock-- he's got some nasty porphyrin staining around his eyes which is very rare for him and he went very cold. His temperature is up and he's looking more active. HIs breathing is still shallow, but that's also partially because of the URI that we've been fighting recently.

Hopefully it's over!!

I just want to know how they manage to find the most stressful times to get sick :roll:
Another quick update, when I started eating my lunch he came down beggingly to my feet (he's hungry...) so I gave him a couple of cheeri-os thking that this might be a good place to start should, god forbid, he still have something stuck in his throat. Are there some definite no-no foods for after a choking spell?

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