Please help, idk what’s going on…..

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Mar 26, 2021
My rat Alonzo is about 10 months old. I noticed that started acting strange last Saturday but he was still eating, drinking, and moving around. Well yesterday I woke up and he was more or less limp, wasn’t drinking, wasn’t holding the food in his hands so I rushed him up to my vet that I normally take him to. He wasn’t doing good and they said he was dehydrated, and they kept him overnight to give fluids, etc. They called me today saying they tried but couldn’t get blood from him and there was nothing more that they could do. He was doing okay, but not great. I came up to pick him up and he’s on steroids.. he still just seems uninterested, barely eating, and overall lethargic. Ive been giving him baby food, anything… he just got home but honestly I just don’t have a good feeling about it all.. I called every vet in my area to see if they would or could do bloodwork but no one… I’m so so sad, I don’t know what to do. I lost my two boys this same year and I don’t want to lose another… he doesn’t have a UTI, I got that checked. So they have no idea….:(
Blood work isn't something commonly done with rats so don't worry about that. Let's break down his symptoms and go from there. When you hold his side's to your ear (rat phoning) do you hear roughness, crackling, wheezing or a constricted whine?,. When you carefully feel his abdomen do you feel any masses that shouldn't be there?, Does he have a slight head tilt, does he circle when he walks, can you check his teeth for straightness across the tops or to see if they are growing crooked?
I checked all of that and he sounded good. I noticed he has been grooming around where his penis is and I looked and he had a penis plug. I called the vet, could this be why he is acting so strange, he will not drink but he will eat… I should have thought of this sooner but I didn’t know, I’m still new to owning rats…:(
They did a urine analysis and said it was good. He will not drink, I tried pedialyte, through a syringe, very easy access, putting a bowl in the cage and nothing. I really don’t know what to do. I feel as though I’m doing everything possible, I took him to two different vets… and they both gave him fluids, and the one started him on amoxicillin. When I do try to give him water where I put it in his mouth so he can drink, but he just spits it out What should I do? Im so sad and upset… I have had to euthanize my other rats due to bad illnesses but I just don’t know if I should keep trying with the medication, but if he doesn’t drink he could dehydrate, but also I can’t force him to because he spits it up and I don’t want to hurt him… I just want him to bounce back…:(

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