They did really well with the houses last night.. Biggest reoccurring thing was Al and his marking of the houses... So, tonight I let them Pip run around on familiar ground for a while to make him run off some energy, then I let Al and Ed out and hoped that Pip would be tired and maybe submit or not give much of a fuss.
From the get go, it was a disaster. Catching any of the rats to try and dominate them was like taking a huge risk of being bitten. Pip was screaming so loud when I had to grab him near the end that it woke my Grandfather up in the next room. It was just constant fights. By the time I caught Pip and called it quits, Pip was running away from Ed and Al the second they were near him.
The weirdest part? Ed has done a complete 180. He was straight out attacking Pip. He would run and fly up into the air at him. He would trap him under the CN. Chase him out of his hiding spots. Then it got quiet... and I figured maybe they worked it out... But then it only started up again and that was when I started to try and catch Pip and toss him away for the night.
I'm so confused. They get to a point where they seem okay, so I try to move forward, and then all hell breaks lose. It's like they'll never be okay with each other anywhere but the tub, and Pip will STILL not submit to either of them. He simply stands there frozen when they try and dominate him... Ed has only dominated him once.
After houses and toys in the tub, I don't know where to go. There's no 'middle' ground between neutral and familiar. The rats have only ever, ever been in my room and they get the entire floor to wander... gaaaah. It's almost going on 4 weeks of intros still stuck in the tub...