Last Monday morning, Joey (our pet Rat) was completely normal, playful happy.
Monday 4pm, play time. We open the cage and he is dragging his hind legs, not very lively. In the past 11days he has lost 100grams, is not pooping on his own and is barely getting around.
Multiple vet visits
X-rats done, initially though heart issue put on enaril, meloxidyl, gabapentin, clavamox.
3days later no improvement and no pooping.
More x rays, determined not heart but possible kidney or intestinal infection. Taken off of enapril. Put on metaclopromide, clavamox, meloxidyl & gabapentin.
6 days later (today) blood work came back with no abnormalities.
only pooping with assistance and it is all soft. Very lethargic. When he tries to walk he falls to his right side.
We are desperate to figure this out
Monday 4pm, play time. We open the cage and he is dragging his hind legs, not very lively. In the past 11days he has lost 100grams, is not pooping on his own and is barely getting around.
Multiple vet visits
X-rats done, initially though heart issue put on enaril, meloxidyl, gabapentin, clavamox.
3days later no improvement and no pooping.
More x rays, determined not heart but possible kidney or intestinal infection. Taken off of enapril. Put on metaclopromide, clavamox, meloxidyl & gabapentin.
6 days later (today) blood work came back with no abnormalities.
only pooping with assistance and it is all soft. Very lethargic. When he tries to walk he falls to his right side.
We are desperate to figure this out