Penis problems

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
Washington, North Carolina
Kaos has been cleaning his penis a lot since last night and every now and then he squeals. His penis is out a little...I have no idea what to do because I only have about $40 and no job until spring. I just paid over $100 (vet 2+ hours away) to have his tooth trimmed at the end of november and he already needs it trimmed again. I was planning to pay the $25 for that but now he has this problem and it's $40 just for the vet exam not including whatever treatment he may need and the $25 (for tooth trim at local vet). I am so overwhelmed, any advice would be greatly appreciated...All of the money I've spent on vet bills was savings to have an eye exam and glasses for myself cuz it's been 3 years or more since I had an eye exam and my glasses are not going to last much longer.
We had this type issue with a rescue... this is what we did which after 4 days did cure him and he was back to normal. Worth a try considering you are stuck financially.

Warm some water and add a few pinches of salt. Retract his penis sheath a little and bath his penis with the warm salty water (make sure it is just warm). Once you have bathed the penis to make sure it is clean apply some olive oil to the penis. Again try to retract the penis so the olive oil lubricates under the sheath. If the sheath doesn't cover the penis then the penis gets dry and sore, by doing this 2 - 3 times a day it may help the sheath cover back over.

When i did this and finally managed to get a vet appointment the penis was completely back to normal and the vet had no idea what had occurred. I did explain it but just 4 days and it was fixed.
Ratty Momma said:
Maybe this will help ... imosis.php

You need to have money when owning these guys because when they need vet care, it can't wait & they often need vet care.

I understand that completely, but I had over $300 saved up (vet fund) as of last September, but everything came at once and wiped my emergency vet fund out. I won't be getting more rats in the future unless I win the lottery or have thousands saved up! I adore them as pets, but I have been so overwhelmed as they have all needed vet care at once and most if not all of my money is spent on them *not that i mind because they are my kids*.

I'm starting to think it might be a UTI. I'm hoping i can borrow money from a friend to take him to the vet this afternoon or tomorrow.
I know you care about them a lot & I am happy you came here looking for help :)
I have nine ratties, and in the last 4 weeks I have spent $1100.
I hope you can get to the vet, it would be for the best :)
Good luck.
My Ralphis had the same problem over the summer and the vet said to bring him in ASAP. We had to rush him down at 9pm. It is very painful for them and the best thing you can do is get him to a vet. In the meantime keep it lubricated, and try to stop him from licking it because it will only make it worse. Good luck!
I think you feel that way because you live in Canada. We are not used to paying for health care, so any amount of money seems like a lot. I think people in the US seem to accept paying larger vet/dental bills because they have to pay for medical too. We are 'sheltered' from big $$ surgeries and hospital visits. Maybe you should think about pet health insurance. Can one get insurance for rats?
mm.. I have no idea.. i know wfor other animals its per pet.. if its per rat too that might be a lot depending. I find rats seem cheap until they get sick.. then you are paying an arm and a leg because they get sick frequently. and my vet is 71 dollars for just an appointment.
As far as I know you cannot get pet insurance on rats :(...

Poor little guy, hope it gets better soon.

A lot of people make rats seem as inexpensive pets, but that is so not true.
I can get pet insurance for rats here in the States. But like dog and cat insurance it covers certain things and you have to pay up front and they will pay you back after they review the bill. Also you have to insure each rat seperately. One is cheap but when you have more than one it gets pretty pricey!

Picture of Kaos (above) was taken about a year ago.

I took Kaos to the vet yesterday. They did a teeth trim and asked me to bring him back in 3 weeks for another trim to get them shorter. It is so nice to hear him bruxing again! For a while there his teeth wouldn't line up for him to do so. He was so well behaved, even the vet commented on his good behavior :D

As for his "penis problem", according to the vet, it's not really a problem for Kaos. He said it's not stuck [as I originally thought] and that older rats tend to make themselves raw or something when they are trying to masturbate *OMG* was my first reaction! His penis is normal at times and then he just leaves it out some. The vet pulled his penis out and he said he was normal, nothing causing it to not go back in and overall Kaos seemed quite healthy for his age (2 years)!

The vet visit was only $50 ($25 for exam because I got $13 off the exam for being a new customer/telling them who referred me + $25 for the teeth trim), yay! Of course I have to pay another $25 in 3 weeks for another teeth trim, but $75 total is MUCH better than the $100+ I expected.
Yes, Male rats play with themselves... not much different to male humans except the rats do actually get their paws off it from time to time LOL.

So glad he is healthy and that his penis is normal.
ashana said:
Yes, Male rats play with themselves... not much different to male humans except the rats do actually get their paws off it from time to time LOL.

I laughed at this a bit, ha ha ha :laugh4:

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