peanut butter?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
Kansas City, Missouri.
Anyone have a recipe treat or some sort with peanut butter or ideas to mix PB with? I know on the forbidden food list it said a little peanut butter is ok mixed with something liquid like jam or something otherwise it can choke ratties. I ate a peanut butter cup and a while later went up to the girls cage and then went bonkers....smelling my lips and trying to lick me, I assumed it was the peanut butter cup. So I just wondered if anyone had any 'treat" ideas that involve a bit of peanut butter I can give them once in a while. :think:
I rarely have peanut butter in, but when I do and give it to the girls, I give it them on it's own... neat peanut butter!! haha but I make sure to only give them tiny tiny TINY bits... WAY SMALLER than a pea, as their choking's made worse by how greedy they are and how fast they shove it down their necks.... it you get a weeny bit and spread it all over your finger, this makes them lick it off and stops them getting a big, chunk that they try to gobble, getting stuck in their throats.... also don't give them a lot at a time because larger amounts are obvioulsy more likely to clog them up, line their throats and stomach and make them choke.

So yeh, I just give my girls tiny tiny bits, and they don't get them very often really... Their usual treat is mashed potato that has a diddy bit of cream in, or maybe a bit of macaroni cheese.... I don't need many treats though, as Jiggs loves her cucumber and the babies love grapes! So they can eat them all they like!

If you want to give you rat's more peanut butter as a super treat, you could try mixing it with warm milk... this smoothes it down a lot!! and stops it being so claggy. i just give them tiny bits though then they don't choke, and they don't eat as much and get fat! hehe Porkies
Thanks Star for the input. I may try a thin layer on finger just to see. I am sure that is what made then go nuts, I was just there ate the peanut butter cup and came back 15 min later and they went crazy, it was cute.

Jo....yeah...they get bananas alot. I myself eat tons of bananas and every time I have one I give them a little piece off them. You are right, mine goes nuts too. They snatch it so fast out of my fingers I sometimes have to look and make sure my fingers are still there. :lol:


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