Overweight rat, need advice!

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New Member
Sep 6, 2020
Hi, i am looking for some advice on my rat Rawen which is a bit overweight.. she weights nearly 446 grams. Rawen was always a bit chubby, but i started to notice that her weight kept on growing more and more after she lost her cagemates.. which were Kimmy and Lucy.. Kimmy was her sister so they were always together until she passed.. and Lucy joined them not much longer after i got them. Now that Lucy and Kimmy are gone i believe she is going through a lot, and she,s kind of trying to forget about being alone by eating and sleeping..I tried to get her to move, by letting her have much more free range time.. but whenever i put her out she will just find that one spot and lay in it all day... i don,t know how to motivate her to move. But im writing this because i am looking for someone to give me advice on how to change her diet. at the moment im feeding her selective pellets. I used to feed her those mixtures, but i heard that pellets are much healthier and better for rats, so im feeding her those at the moment. i also give her some fruits or vegetables during the day so for example i will give her a slice of an apple on monday, tuesday yogurt , wednesday chicken and the list goes on an on. The point is everyday i feed her something extra, mostly fruit tho. Now i really don,t know how to make her a better diet for her not to be hungry but also have enough food. she,s 3 years so we are spending out last moments together.. and i want to make those moments the best we,ve ever had.. the reason why i want her to loose weight is because i want her to be active and healthy again and i also heard that overweight rats die faster.. so please i am looking for any advice i can possibly get!! thank you so much to anyone that will reply! me and Rawen are very thankful!!
She's already 3 yrs old and that's a long life for a rat. I wouldn't stress her out by making too many changes.

i know.. and i know that she doesn,t have much time left.. but i want to keep her as healthy as possible cause i want her by my side for the longest time.. and don,t worry i won,t make a big change we will try slow with the diet :3

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