dspch911 said:
So basically since they have their own room w/two windows opening the windows will make them happy..
yes, but if you wanted to take them out in a carrier or something, they might enjoy that.
give it a try and see how they react, unless they aren't happy in the carrier
I guess it depends on the rats, some very very scared rats might not like being in a new place, but I've found even my most scared rats love a change,
and being outside is a big change. The amount of air/scents that can reach them is greater etc
really depends on what you want to accomplish. I take mine out but as a special treat, it's not something I do very often (partly because I don't like being outside LOL) but so far I've not had a rat who didn't love this treat.
a nice thing about doing this, esp if you use the carrier that you'd use to take them to the vet, is it gets them used to that carrier, and it gets them used to new experiences, so that if they do need to go to the vet, they are far less stressed-
they'll see it as another treat.
I do this with my cats, the cat carrier is out and opened with a comfy cushion in it, and they can go in a nap there, etc
this way when they go to the vet, their assocations with their carrier are good ones
I don't know that it helps a whole lot to take a cat out for a ride though, since there are several reasons why car rides are stressful for cats. One is the way that they see- their vision is designed to detect motion, esp horizontal and diagonal motion.
this is why if you drop something down in front of them, they won't see it, but if you toss it out in front of them at an angle, they'll run after it (say a treat or a ball etc)
their vision is designed for catching prey and most prey don't drop striaght down at their feet :lol:
if you're traveling with a cat, it's often best to make it so they have plenty of fresh air, to keep them from getting car sick but if possible you should block their view to outside. The things whizzing past, or so it seem to them, is very upsetting and most cats will calm down if their view of it is blocked
not all though, there are some few cats who enjoy looking out. you can usually tell by their reaction.
anyway, that's way off the topic :lol: