Opinon on Tumour and Euthanasia

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
On to my next dilemma, and this one is kinda new to me, which is why I need your input.
Lottie is my angry lone girl, who isn't angry anymore. She came with Amelia the blue dumbo with one eye, who ended up with a shifted jaw from internal masses, had a stroke and died soon after arriving. :( Lottie was terrified and vicious to other rats and never accepted any.
She was active and a real tomgirl rat. She is 28 months old, soon to be 29. She developed an inguinal tumour that is now just massive. She is losing weight, has very hard breathing, and not dealing well with the tumour. I have had other rats that happily went on living, but I feel she is enduring for the most part and not truly happy. I am considering having her pts next week before the light in her eyes dims. I wonder if she would like a do-over in life and would like for this one to end?

This pic is from a month ago, and you know how fast the damn inguinals grow :(


My vet says I am very good at knowing when to have them pts, I always manage to catch that fine line and my instincts are in tune with my babies.

I think you know your girl best. We all agonize over these very difficult situations.
No one could ever doubt or second guess the decisions you make for your little rattie loves.
I think we have all been there. I had one little girl who had severe respiratory problems, was skin and bones but yet seemed to really enjoy everyday. She loved being with me, snuggling with me. She just took life as it came. I had another girl who at the end seemed very miserable, she didn't want to be in this world anymore and so I helped her go on. It is up to the people who know them and love them the best to do what is right. :hugs:
Tumours are just horrid things. An inguinal tumour is even worse.
You know your rats best and only you can make that decision. But it sure feels good to talk it out. We are here for you Shelagh. :hugs:
such a hard decision especially when your heart tells you one thing and your common sense is telling you another. I think in the end we all know when it's their time it's just hard because we want to prolong them being with us as much as possible. You'll make the right decision no matter what you decided. :hugs:
You know what is best for your little girl, and I believe you should trust in what you think for her. :hugs: I know no matter what you will always make the right choice, as hard as it is.
My husband and I have been struggling with a similar decisions regarding his two hooded rexes. THey have large tumors and there was a period of time where I wanted him to bring them in to be PTS. But the more I watched them, the more I could see they were still loving life. Plus I got a lot of reassurances from the people here that I would *know* when it was time. And I believe that - and I'm glad I didn't jump to conclusions. I know they still have a lot of life in them because they still nip at my fingers if I don't let go of their treats fast enough :lol:

You'll know. And she'll let you know too. You've been a great mom to so many rats, trust that instinct and knowledge you have :)
I think you've already made up your mind, and I think you've probably made the right choice. She doesn't have any rat buddies to live for, and she can't be comfortable.

Go with your gut on this one.
Yes, it does sound like you have given this a lot of thought and have made up your mind.
If she is just enduring, it sounds like it is time.
You know your little girl ...
You have a lot of experience, and you know her well. Sounds like you are on the right track. There is no point in having her hang on in pain and misery. Kisses and banana mash to her.

Is she still able to enjoy food, or is it too much effort because of her laboured breathing?
She doesn't snatch like a striking cobra any longer, almost seems a bit confused about it. Instead of wandering around she often will just like somewhere...I watch her when she's not realizing and see she just looks Not-LotlLot. She's a fighter but I get the feelign she's tired and had enough this time around, like she wants to be with her beloved Amelia...(wow can I imagine the reunion between those two!! :heart: )

Lottie loved to run, climb and explore and she is unable to now. :sad3: Its hard because her eyes are bright but that tumour is really becoming a problem and she really hates it.
Like everyone's said, you know her best, you'll know when it's Time. Personally I think it's better to be a day too early than a day too late. Banana mash and kisses indeed! :heart:
I agree with everybody else here. I had to make to make the call too last month with Mazzy since she had sarcoma masses on her face, neck and mouth where she couldn't eat anymore. It was very difficult since my boyfriend was in denile. But I knew it was time and put her to rest. It is never easy to make the call, especially afterwards.

I sincerely hope everything will end peacefully. :heart:
Like everybody else said, you know her best. If you have that gut feeling that she is no longer enjoying life and seems to suffer, it's probably better to let her go - as hard as it is :sad3:. You have great instincts with your ratties so I am sure you'll make the right decision.
And yes, those rattie eyes tell you a lot! I have experienced it in my 3 girls who have passed.
Hugs, Shelagh :hugs:
We can only make the best decisions we can for them. We can agonize over that decision a million times. I know you will make the right decision no matter what it is.
I am still not quite sure, I think I should, but then she throws herself at the cage door (her hammock is right against it) when I bring her breakfast this morning. :undecided:
moon said:
I think you've already made up your mind, and I think you've probably made the right choice. She doesn't have any rat buddies to live for, and she can't be comfortable.

Go with your gut on this one.

I have to agree with Moon.

My Lilly is 30 months, constantley sneezy no matter the combo of meds I have tried, two arm pit tumors, skinny and has a rear end that no longer works. Funny you say Lottie snatches like a stiking cobra, Lilly is the same way and my fingers are constant victims. She on occasion seems confused and lost, like she cannot see but she still seems happy and still comes out for playtime and tools around a little. But I know the time is nearing. She can no longer groom herself and will sit for hours while I scratch (HARD) all over her body. Can you imagine having and itch you can't scratch? I am pretty sure that is how Lilly feels all the time. If Lilly was alone it would be easier for me to make that decision.
I am still a realitive newbie as far as being a rat mum, but I can imagine what a difficult choice you have to make. Either way you decide, I am thinking about you and Lottie.
i know what you mean.. when you are sure you know its time to pts.. then you go to see them and they seem to have more energy... it kinda makes you second guess yourself.... sometimes rats who are uncomfortable and/in pain can hide it well.. so thats another thing to think about in their quality of life...
you will make the best decision for her... its so hard i know... :sad3:
good luck to you and your beautiful girl :cuddle:

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