Opened Stitches on Neck! Update: Home from vet 10/20

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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2009
Hi everyone,

I haven't been on in forever, my internet access is very limited atm. Thankfully I was able to get on tonight though because Cow had a mammary tumor removed today and she's managed to get out a lot of stitches in a little amount of time! She's done great in the past with recovery but this one was a little more risky because it was so close to her jugular and throat, the vet said she could see the jugular pumping as she was removing it, had her very nervous! :shock: She and I both agreed that she probably couldn't get to the incision at all because of the location and she was snoozing away all afternoon, I get out of the shower to find a gaping hole in her neck! I've dealt with incisions opening up before but never in such a delicate location. The vet is now closed (reopens in the morning) and I can definitely get her to the 24 hr emergency if necessary but wanted others with experience's opinions first. I'm assuming they would use surgical glue? This is the best shot of it I could get, what do you think the best option is?


Thanks so much!
There's no blood, the vet said to dose her with metacam before bed but I gave it to her a little under an hour ago when she started picking. Right now she is snoozing away, thankfully, so I can take my eyes off of her for two seconds lol Thanks!
Does it still look like that? No oozing blood some stitches holding it relatively closed? If so, take her to the vet for glue in the morning, no e-vet needed.
Yeah it still looks like it does in the photo; not oozing or bleeding at all. The vet opens at 8am (in 13 hours) so we will try to get her glued then. What would you say would require a trip to the e-vet if the situation changes? Thanks again!
is she chewing on everything or just the stitches? My girl mally took her out a few hours after being home, it was closed on it own the next morning. if she is trying to chew on everything around her then it could be pica behavior.
She's not scratching just pulling with her teeth (mostly in the same spot) at a stitch and a piece of skin that's dangling off. She weighs around 500g, and was given .06mL of metacam (yes 1.5mg/mL)
I assume you gave her the .06 cc? Add another .27 and then she should feel a LOT better.

Your vet dosed her at the old dosages of .2-.4 mg/kg

they have been upgraded to .5 - 2 mg/kg

I usually use 1 mg/kg after surgeries for the first dose or 2.

Her dose should've been .33 cc
So everything went pretty well at the vet, she decided as soon as she saw it to re sedate her :( I asked if she could please use glue and she said there was glue and two layers of stitches!!! We are both amazed that she was able to do that much damage in a spot nobody thought she could really reach in the first place lol
So she's been home since around 1, she put a cone on her as well as rigging up a vest (wrap) I took the cone off right away because she was way too upset about it and I don't see a need for both but what are your opinions on the wrap? I figured we would leave it as long as possible as long as it wasn't bothering her too much, at least until before bed but she's having trouble cleaning her face/eating with it and she's had some prophyrin on her nose so I'm not sure I want to leave it? The vet did say she sutured and glued the heck out of it...Here's a couple photos:


lilspaz68 said:
Just make sure she gets the right dose of metacam, and leave that on for about 2 then it should've healed enough. :thumbup:

Thanks, should I be concerned that she seems pretty depressed about it, especially since she can't clean her face? She pushed her nose into some warm damp tissue I held up for her to wipe it clear of prophryin, it was the cutest thing ever. But she is also separated from the pack for the time being,because the younger ones will def tear it right off. Should I see how she does with a little company from a slow squishy guy, perhaps it will help take her mind off of it or would you keep her separated for now?
Slapdash said:
lilspaz68 said:
Just make sure she gets the right dose of metacam, and leave that on for about 2 then it should've healed enough. :thumbup:

Thanks, should I be concerned that she seems pretty depressed about it, especially since she can't clean her face? She pushed her nose into some warm damp tissue I held up for her to wipe it clear of prophryin, it was the cutest thing ever. But she is also separated from the pack for the time being,because the younger ones will def tear it right off. Should I see how she does with a little company from a slow squishy guy, perhaps it will help take her mind off of it or would you keep her separated for now?

Try the slow squishy guy, he might be just what she needs. Yeah they hate restraints of any kind, but if they cannot be trusted not to open themselves up you have to do these horrible things to them.

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