Oliver had a lump now its gone

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2007
Vancouver B.C
Yesterday I noticed a rather large lump in Oliver's chest, between his two front legs, about the size of a quarter, and very squishy.
This morning I was about to phone the vet, went and checked on him, and the lump is gone!
Another thing, is that the chlor palm is working, but some days he makes those breathing noises, and then it goes away. Last night when I noticed the lump he was rattling pretty badly and I thought for sure he needs something different, but this morning the lump is gone and his lungs are quiet.
I'm so confused! :(
Sahara got a lump on her chest and the vet figured it was a tumor, but it disappeared after a month and never recurred (she was on baytril).
My Erin has short noisy breathing period sometimes. She had them a couple times a week when she came, now she only has them maybe every 2 wks, she is not on any meds and is fine in between.

I hope his lump was cleared up by the meds and doesn't return. Was Oliver having breathing troubles before? Does he have much longer to go on his meds?

Not much help I expect but I really just wanted to wish him well and ask you to pass him kisses.
Thank you for your well wishes and kisses, I've pass those on. :p

Oliver has one week to go on his meds. The vet prescribed three weeks. His breathing noises have been off and on. He'll rattle maybe a few days out of each week, but not one day right after the other, more like quiet for three days, then noisy for one, then quiet the next day, then noisy the next day, then quiet for two days, etc etc. But its not for a whole day, either. He'll rattle for a couple hours, and then later he's quiet again.

I was planning on finishing his course of meds, and seeing if the last week doesn't clear him up completely, and going from there.

His lump just appeared last night. It was very soft and squishy, and I could hardly feel it, but it was noticable in the hangy folds of his chest. When I flipped him over the lump flattened out and I could hardly find it.

And now, the lump is completely gone! Just overnight! I'm really praying that it doesn't come back.
Maybe he had an abscess that opened on its own. That happened to my Chailyn. She had a tumor that had been removed. After a month or so, she grew a lump there and I tought Oh great, not another tumor. Well, two days later, it was gone! About two days after that, when I cleaned their cage/rat room, I saw that one of the pillows had a big stain (it wasn't pee) so I guess she had an abscess and and either it opened up by itself or one of her cagemates "helped" a little. It never came back and the vet said too that's what it probably was.
Good luck and I hope for your baby that's all it is, too!
That is strange. Did you palpate the lump? Could it have been just his fur lumped together or could you put your fingers all around the lump?
If it appeared and just disappeared, I would think an abscess as well. But so very strange.
It was definitely some sort of lump, I could see it quite clearly as Oliver is hairless. If it was an abcess, there is no wound where it could have opened. I thought it was probably an abcess too when I first saw it but I was puzzled because he never had a wound there.

I did turn him on his back to try and feel it but it went all flat and it was very, very soft, not hard at all. It looked like a lump but didn't feel like one. Sigh, I should have taken a picture of it last night, but I sure wasn't expecting it to be gone this morning!

Is it possible that it was retained water or an air bubble or something weird like that, or maybe something opened on the inside of his body?
Could it be related to breathing problems? Or an odd delayed reaction to his meds?

I've been keeping a close eye on him all day, I really hope it doesn't return!
A loooong time ago, my sister's girl had a small squishy lump under her arm. We thought for sure it was the start of a mammary tumour... but a day later, it was completely gone. We figured it was just a build up of fluids. Whatever it is... just thank your lucky stars. :wink:
I hope you get the same here-today gone-tomorrow fix for his breathing.
Good on you Oliver for being such a strong boy!
jorats said:
A loooong time ago, my sister's girl had a small squishy lump under her arm. We thought for sure it was the start of a mammary tumour... but a day later, it was completely gone. We figured it was just a build up of fluids. Whatever it is... just thank your lucky stars. :wink:

Oh I'm glad to hear that story!
Believe me, I am sooo thankful that the scarey lump is gone. I was depressed all last night because of it, and this morning I had weird dreams about calling the vet and stuff, LOL. I just hope my Oliver Man stayes well!
this is a fascinating problem isn't it?

I found a small lump under my arm, a little while back, and was really worried about it. I get checked every year so I didn't want to imagine that it could have been something bad.

After about 4 days my lump was gone. According to my doctor, it is possible to get pimples or abscesses inside the body which then open and drain on the inside.

Being resilient little animals, I am sure that such things are trivial to a rat body. Hey, if I can survive an inside bump without a hitch... Oliver can do it a thousand times. :love6: :) :rose:
Shelagh, that's a good idea, perhaps it was a lymph node. The lump was so strange. I'm keeping an eagle eye on his chest, and so far so good.

Jen, thanks for sharing your experience! That must have been scarey and I'm soooooo glad that it was nothing! :D You're right, the body does do some weird things to us sometimes, and we're left to puzzle the mystery. Whatever it was that plagued Oliver Man, I'll just be thankful that it's gone, and hopeful that it doesn't return!
ratamataz said:
Shelagh, that's a good idea, perhaps it was a lymph node. The lump was so strange. I'm keeping an eagle eye on his chest, and so far so good.

Jen, thanks for sharing your experience! That must have been scarey and I'm soooooo glad that it was nothing! :D You're right, the body does do some weird things to us sometimes, and we're left to puzzle the mystery. Whatever it was that plagued Oliver Man, I'll just be thankful that it's gone, and hopeful that it doesn't return!

Loving the little fuzzballs can be a real rollercoaster ride can't it? ;)

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