Now what to do with Bobby? UPDATE ~ Bobby has a family.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2009
Cape Breton, NS
It's finally happened, I woke up this morning to no Chuckers :( He passed sometime lastnight in his little house hut, totally a surprise to me since he was doing so well getting around with his HED, but yet again I kinda expected it. Now, Bobby is alone and very depressed :( Bobby is a very social rat, but loves to play "catch me if you can". Today, he's been sitting in my hand and laying down, no want or give to run around like he used to. He really misses his 0.5 friend rat something awful.... we all do.

So... from others experience. Do you think a new smaller baby would be best with him, or should I try to into him into Ash, Loki and Lenir's group? Ash is laid back, Loki is a bossy pest but doesn't like to fight and Lenir can be bossy but he puts up with Loki's foolishness. Bobby was submissive with Chuck, Chuck wore the pants in that relationship. I am just clueless on weather Bobby would be submissive with another rat, or was it just a special case with Chuck?

Also I could only take on one smaller baby, and there doesn't seem to be much around here at the moment for ratties. But I hate hate hate intros.... hate.


Well, I took Bobby out today and gave him a bath. Then Loki. Plopped them together on the sofa and watched. Nothing. They didn't even care about each other, other than Bobby waiting for Loki to start something. After Bobby calmed down, I gave Lenir and Ash a bath, and tossed them in too....

Let just say they have been together in the same cage for 6 hours now and I have only heard one squeek out of Bobby. Why? Because Loki took his wood house, and Bobby is minimized to *gasp* plastic lol Lenir seems a little upset, but he does that if I put the wrong hammocks in so I am sure this is just Lenir being Lenir.

I love these boys, so easy to intro. They loved Chester, I was hoping they would love Bobby. I am so happy Bobby took to other rats so well. I am really happy that I am stay at my 6 boys, and not add more until I am ready, not because one of the boys needs a friend :)


Loki being a ham while out with Bobby


Giving someone a call, probably ordering poutine again.


Bobby cool calm and relaxed, about 20 mins after first intro.


Lenir, just being himself!


Ash and Bobby :)





Bobby is the only rat I have ever had that actually SMILES!


The cage :) I have a mix of everyones stuff in here, big no no but it's working out. I didn't want Bobby to feel like everything was taken, after loosing his soul mate :(
Sorry to hear about Chuck - glad he passed quietly in the night.
How old is Bobby?
Is he neutered?
Perhaps getting him a spayed female might be the easiest intro if you think he'll be testy with other boys.
If he's older, a young boy who wants to play all the time might make him cranky.
And there's always lots of ratties - you just need a 'train'. ;)
Bobby isssss... best guess....1y5m. I would peg him at 6 months old when I got him last summer from the SPCA.

Spayed female isn't an option around here, no vets spay. Neuter is not an option, if I can have my rats live together peacefully without one, I would rather it that way. I was thinking a young boy would remind him of Chuck, someone smaller, hyper and bossy. I don't think Bobby would be testy, he's always been submissive with Chuck. I mean a rat that can live with a mouse? Urgh so many IFS.

Trains are great.. but I'd need one to my door step right now lol We had to keep the car off the road a month to afford the new apartment and move. So I can't even meet anyone in Truro at the moment, like I usually do!
In that case I think I'd try intros with your existing group.
I spent a couple of months introducing my last two groups. It took a long time, but now they're all happily living in the CN together.
Fingers crossed! I'll start intros tomorrow then, with a fresh bath to start out for everyone. That Loki better behave... :laugh4:
I am so very very sorry about Chuck.

As for Bobby, if you decide to take a couple of baby boys, there are some in Truro
- the woman you recently tried to meet up with still has babies
I cannot travel to Truro for at LEAST another month :( I am thinking with the boys all getting up in age, maybe intro between my boys is better than adding more. I've lost 3 in the last month :(

And thank you to everyone for the condolences. I'm kinda numb right now, it's like it hasn't happened. I am sure once I figure out everything and can take a minute to relax, it will hit me hard. I'm in robot mode the last few weeks, it's been a rough time.
Oh Donna, so sorry to read about Chuck! :hugs:

I would go with the intro to your current boys as well - mainly because I'm lazy and I'm thinking "one less cage to clean"! Seriously, I believe trying to get one big family together is worth trying. If it fails, and somehow I believe it'll work wonderfully, then you can consider a younger rat. Give it a month of intro, you'll know by then what you'll need to do and will be able to use your car if need be.
PitLuvs said:
Well, I took Bobby out today and gave him a bath. Then Loki. Plopped them together on the sofa and watched. Nothing. They didn't even care about each other, other than Bobby waiting for Loki to start something. After Bobby calmed down, I gave Lenir and Ash a bath, and tossed them in too....

Let just say they have been together in the same cage for 6 hours now and I have only heard one squeek out of Bobby. Why? Because Loki took his wood house, and Bobby is minimized to *gasp* plastic lol Lenir seems a little upset, but he does that if I put the wrong hammocks in so I am sure this is just Lenir being Lenir.

I love these boys, so easy to intro. They loved Chester, I was hoping they would love Bobby. I am so happy Bobby took to other rats so well. I am really happy that I am stay at my 6 boys, and not add more until I am ready, not because one of the boys needs a friend :)


Loki being a ham while out with Bobby


Giving someone a call, probably ordering poutine again.


Bobby cool calm and relaxed, about 20 mins after first intro.


Lenir, just being himself!


Ash and Bobby :)





Bobby is the only rat I have ever had that actually SMILES!


The cage :) I have a mix of everyones stuff in here, big no no but it's working out. I didn't want Bobby to feel like everything was taken, after loosing his soul mate :(
This is great news!!!! I'm so glad that everyone is accepting the new kid. Yay Bobby!!!
This is wonderful and exactly what Bobby needed! And I bet this is helping you heal from your loss much faster.
Hooray! for good little boys.
I've had a while to come to terms with Chuck passing, even before it happened. I am heart broken, he was just amazing even if he didn't quite like me. What made everything so much harder was wondering WHAT to do with Bobby, for months wondering. Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief and now focus on missing our Chuck. He had an amazing life with Bobby, at least there is happiness in that. He passed away protecting his rat, like he always did by sleeping in the doorway of the house while Bobby slept on the inside. My courageous Chuck :heart:
These two are the most memorable rats I have ever had, Chuck and Bobby. They came to me last summer from the local SPCA. A father dropped them off because his daughter didn't do well enough in school so she had to get rid of her rats. There were Bobby and Chuck, and 3 females (Jo, Ellen, Ruby) that I found a home for. The day my fiance went to pick up the boys, he said there was a full grown rat and a baby rat, but something was wrong with it. Once he got home... wow. A Natal Rat? My first thought was "Hun, That's not a rat. I'm not sure what that is!" and we went a Googling. Chuck was very friendly and loved to be handled. He never bit but did nip my leg one night on the sofa. I heard him giggle as he ran away. Both Bobby and Chuck were so bonded to each other, more than any animal I have ever owned. That is why I dreaded the day Chuck left us, and I was so fearful of how Bobby would react :(

But today... the boys are all asleep in the cage and Bobby/Ash/Lenir are curled up in the wood house together. I see Ash and Bobby together a lot, Ash is my cage nurse. He takes on all the newbies and makes them feel at home. Loki is bossing Bobby and Bobby is fine with it. Overall, this group works for them! Not so much for me, more poop to clean.

Now I have to find somewhere to store my Martin's cage that the boys had.
Technically I still have two to clean. I am content with the fact that I will never be able to get another rat in the same cage as Dean haha But at least it's only one area with cages!

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