Nose bleeding!

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Apr 25, 2012
I looked it up on google websites, but I need to know everyone's personal opinion.
They've been pretty sneezy and coughy since I brought them home, another person from a different website said that it was because of the new environment. Which sort of made sense.
But now, they're is dried blood... And I'm not quite sure if this is a bad sign of them being stressed, or just the weather.. or maybe the cage litter.

So, here's some things that might help.

I feed them Timothy Bits to help them get used to me.
I used "Natural Critter Care" bed litter.
and Kaytee Fiesta Max.
It might be new home sneezes, but if they're coughy as well, I would wonder it's not something more. How long have they been with you?

That "blood" that you see is most likely porphyrin - rats do produce that from their eyes and/or nose when they are stressed or sick (it is also normal to see some after they wake up).
You haven't had them for long so it could very well be the new home sneezes but the coughing is a concern. The porphyrin is due to stress.
I'd give them a few more days and if it doesn't settle, I'd bring them to the vet for a full check up.
Mikamoo said:
I looked it up on google websites, but I need to know everyone's personal opinion.
They've been pretty sneezy and coughy since I brought them home, another person from a different website said that it was because of the new environment. Which sort of made sense.
But now, they're is dried blood... And I'm not quite sure if this is a bad sign of them being stressed, or just the weather.. or maybe the cage litter.

So, here's some things that might help.

I feed them Timothy Bits to help them get used to me.
I used "Natural Critter Care" bed litter.
and Kaytee Fiesta Max.

New home sneezies are usually sharp and dry sneezes, if they are coughing (congestion) and the sneezes sound wet you have a URI on your hands and will need to see a competent rat vet.

As for your husbandry...

Stop buying/wasting your money on Timothy bits, its not good for them at all....try things like Gerber baby puffs, or cheerios...they will love them just as much and its much much healthier for them.

The Critter Care bedding may be dusty, I have always had a problem with Carefresh and this is just a generic version of it sold at Walmart.

Kaytee Fiesta Max is a seed mix which is considered a bad diet for rats...they will pick and choose what they like and wont' get balanced nutrition. Its best to look for a decent lab block. If you can get Harlan Teklad or Native Earth from an online site it's the best, or you can pick up Oxbow Regal Rat (new flavour only) or even Living World Hamster Extrusion (a very decent block for rats, don't worry).

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