Well-Known Member
Well, my dear little PEW is showing the classic symptoms of a PT. :sad3: It's been a while since we've had anyone with a PT, as all my girls are spayed young now, and we've dodged the bullet. But we've certainly had our share of PTs in the past, and the signs are unmistakable. :sad3:
We didn't spay Noelle as she was already elderly when we adopted her. And when we decided to give it a shot anyway, due to possible uterine problems, we discovered she had heart issues.
Anyway, in past years, I've never found anything that really helped. I just had to watch these horrid PTs take their course. But I've seen many of you post here recently and wanted to ask if steroids REALLY did all that much? Because Noelle is on heart meds, and has some respiratory issues now, steroids is not the best idea. They compromise their immune system and leave them open for infection. Not to mention, they are harder on their hearts....and her's is already compromised. BUT, if steroids might help give her more time, that she'll lose it worth trying?
In the early days, I tried steroids and they did nothing. So I just don't know.
Noelle is still coherant, but already starting to move about like she's a little lost. She can't eat solid food, she just goes through the motions. She WILL clean her bowl of mushy mix (A/D, Babybood, babyrice cereal and Ensure) and then some more. She's losing function in her hands, but not completely yet.
Without steriods, I'd give her another week....what could I possibly expect WITH steroids??
Thanks for the advice and suggestions guys.
We didn't spay Noelle as she was already elderly when we adopted her. And when we decided to give it a shot anyway, due to possible uterine problems, we discovered she had heart issues.
Anyway, in past years, I've never found anything that really helped. I just had to watch these horrid PTs take their course. But I've seen many of you post here recently and wanted to ask if steroids REALLY did all that much? Because Noelle is on heart meds, and has some respiratory issues now, steroids is not the best idea. They compromise their immune system and leave them open for infection. Not to mention, they are harder on their hearts....and her's is already compromised. BUT, if steroids might help give her more time, that she'll lose it worth trying?
In the early days, I tried steroids and they did nothing. So I just don't know.
Noelle is still coherant, but already starting to move about like she's a little lost. She can't eat solid food, she just goes through the motions. She WILL clean her bowl of mushy mix (A/D, Babybood, babyrice cereal and Ensure) and then some more. She's losing function in her hands, but not completely yet.
Without steriods, I'd give her another week....what could I possibly expect WITH steroids??
Thanks for the advice and suggestions guys.