Well-Known Member
I have a bit of a back story on this one, so bare with me. :? I will change the color of the font of the important part if you don't want to read the backstory, however it kind of leads up to what is happening.
I adopted my first 3 girls from a psychology lab on campus, they were X'd to be euthanized over the summer. They were all generally healthy (they were to be put down for colony size control) and warmed up to each other and myself very quickly. They're now very social and friendly.
Recently, the psychology lab was going have the rest of the litter my 3 girls belonged to destroyed because of large tumors growing on them. However, since I work in the lab I decided to play with them before they got put down to give them a last good day. During the time I was playing with them I found one obese girl who was tumor free and generally healthy, so I asked to adopt her and was approved.
Enter, Violet. My chunky girly. She had lived with a partner since she was weaned, and her partner had been euthanized. When I came to pick her up she was acting severely depressed. Since she is blood related to my girls and sterile, I isolated her for 2 days, brought her into my dorm room, then tried to quickly get her into the cage. After 2.5 days she spent her first night in the cage with no problems from the other rats. However, she herself was acting strange. At first she sniffed everything, then she hid in the corner with her face buried in the bedding and didn't move for half an hour. After that point she got in the hammock and laid there all night, unmoving. She refused food this morning, but ate a treat and a few bites when I seperated her from my other girls, and I have yet to see her drink water. AS I typed this post, she has been standing up on her hind legs in the corner of her cage with her nose through the bars completely still while my other three cuddle around her legs. There have been minor dominance scuffles throughout the day, but I break them up if they get too severe... she's just acting strangely depressed and anti-social. These girls are almost two, only two of them had lived together in the lab and the third lives with them just fine. Has Violet been seperated for too long to want to have more friends? I feel terrible for her, please help!
I should also add, they met on neutral ground, I've switched cages with them and I cleaned the main cage before putting violet in. Violet acts JUST FINE alone and with me but as soon as another rat is introduced she becomes terrified.