New Brother for Marvin

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Dec 14, 2020
Newfoundland Canada
So I have a little brother coming for Marvin. (A hairless rattie like him)
I am so excited but nervous at the same time because I worry he may not be happy and or they may not get along...

*Please help me with any tips or suggestions you have to help make the transition process easier and help them both be happy ratties*

Marvin is 4 months old
He's still young so it should be a little easier, but you never know eh? Rats learn their world through smell. One of the things I did was put vanilla extract on them all to mask their scent and took them to a neutral place and put them together. Many people use the bathtub to do this or a big table. Just make sure it's an area none of them know.
When introducing my two boys to a new baby I rescued, I put them in a tub with a towel laid down and sprinkled some treats around. Being in the tub (where none of them played) made it so my older boys didn't get territorial over anything and the treats helped calm them down. I suggest keeping a towel on hand incase you have to seperate them, definitely don't want your hand between two angry rattos. Congrats on the new addition and I hope it all goes well!

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