Introducing Skittle, our new baby rat! We rescued him from a pet store. He was going to be snake food! He was about 4 weeks old when we got him. We got him 2 days after my beloved Pepper died. We have had him exactly 31 days. It was rough in the beginning, since he bit me twice, and my daughter once, and left nasty marks on us. But I just couldn't give up on him. He always looked at me with those needy eyes, and would beg for attention any time anyone walked by his cage. He was in quarantine until last Thursday, when I had to clean his cage, and transfered him to a temp cage. I then decided to bring him to our play area, and try to lure him out to see how he would react. Low and behold, he finally came out, and I would touch his back every time he came near. He tried to bite me a few times, but I got the snacks out, and just watched his body language, and within about 20 mins, I had him doing spins for a treat. He then would come to me without biting, and I tried picking him up, and within about another 20 mins, I was holding him. Then he couldn't get enough. The next day I introduced him to the boys a couple of times, and he was totally submissive. I put him in their cage to stay last night (he had been in their cage several times and out to play with them several times) and he did great. He is now the cuddliest baby ever! It's so strange what a month, and some patience will do!