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About a month ago, my 2 and half year old boy, Henry began developing a tumor on his left hind leg. We quickly took him to the vet to see if they could perform a removal, but the vet declined saying that he had too much congestion in his lungs. So we were given 2 weeks worth of doxy and baytril to clear his infection and were to come in for his follow up as soon as his meds were taken. We brought him back in after those two weeks and the vet again said he was not clear. He then gave us 2 more weeks worth of the medicine but bumped up the dosage by .1 on the doxy. I was getting really alarmed by the size his tumor was getting to be but they vet assured us that if he were not clear of his congestion, he would most likely die of suffocation on the operating table. We just took him in this Friday, and the vet said his congestion was cleared up but now his tumor has reached too big of a size to operate on without having a great chance of mortality :wallbang: . He did say we could give it a try but he said he could not even guarantee a 10%chance of success since the tumor has reached the size of a chicken egg. I'm not sure what I should do. Henry still seems healthy otherwise. He eats and drinks and walks around pretty well. Every now and then he loses his balance though because the tumor is so heavy. He is an only rat now as his brothers have both passed away in the last couple of months. I'm just not quite sure what decision to make. :sad3: