neuters and behavior in colonies

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Oct 15, 2010
Is attitude contagious in colonies? :laugh4: I mean both good and bad attitudes.

Templeton is alpha with 4 rat group, which consist of ludo, al, and loki. Which they all act the same, i sit here and watch the difference in my two separate boy groups, it just amazes me. I can watch them forever comparing who is doing what to who and why.

Templeton's group is lazy man rats. They always have been pretty lazy guys, even beyond the sickness. they stir when food is round, they see a rat cage come closer, or my dog. This whole group hisses at my dog when she come near them. None of my other rats do, but every single one of these boys will hiss at her.... the whole group has been neutered because of this :dance: i am so over their little attitude. They also don't really play much anymore, Templeton and Loki are about 9 ish months old now, ludo and al are around 7ish months old, each are a pair of siblings and most likely father and son relation too. but they are like 4 peas in a pod.

Toby is alpha in his group. Toby and dopey, i would assume are related maybe? don't know they are about 9 months old, Edgar Eli and Bart, same litter, they are i would guess 4-5 months old, and little Finley who i don't have a clue on his age. This whole group is a hyper boy rat fest. They run and play all day long, they popcorn, they flip, they are easy going. These guys prefer to be rearranging their cage, or running constantly than to sleep. These guys have never hissed at my dog, never showed the cage puffing, nothing. They have the same personalities as each others, just like Mr. T's group is a crab, sleeping, huffing rat group.

It could be, my group of 4 are just genetically alike or they are socialized into it by Templeton and Loki?
I know you are a product of your surrounding, but is this true for rats?

Do the actually follow the alphas lead in general attitude?

I have also found it so much easier to tell who is alpha in a male group than in a female group. 3 of my 5 girls constantly fight with each other. That started when luna passed in September. I know by now they should have an alpha, but boys you can tell in intros by the one who is showing the new one where he fits in. is it the same in girls? because i have no idea who is the alpha in that cage.

it just amazes 2 different groups can act so differently from each other but the same in their group.

Does neuters stop the huffing and puffing at the cage? Templeton is still rubbing his bum on my lamp, i know he doesn't think a genie will appear so his hormones are still crazy. Will this hissing at the cage door stop at other rats and my dogs?

Algernon getting a nice neck massage, as you can tell by his face, Ludo does a great job!

Bart he is a thieve of tissue/paper, he takes it all, but he is cute so i forgive him for it.
The alpha definitely sets the tone but to make all of the buddies in his colony like him is rare. There usually is one or two that keep their bounciness so I would be more inclined to think they are genetically that way.
The huffing and puffing should subside a little but not completely. The rubbing, usually stops... but after some months.

Watching rats is better than watching TV isn't it? You can learn so much by observation. Having more than 2 in a colony gives it depth and makes it much more enjoyable.
jorats said:
The alpha definitely sets the tone but to make all of the buddies in his colony like him is rare. There usually is one or two that keep their bounciness so I would be more inclined to think they are genetically that way.
The huffing and puffing should subside a little but not completely. The rubbing, usually stops... but after some months.

Watching rats is better than watching TV isn't it? You can learn so much by observation. Having more than 2 in a colony gives it depth and makes it much more enjoyable.

Yes it is better than tv. They really crack me up. I had Templeton cage next to the other guys, he was standing here hissing away, 4 of the other guys were sitting there like he was nuts. I had to laugh, he did not seem as threatening to them as he wanted to be.

Genetics make a lot of sense with them, although learned behavior would of been much more interesting :)

Sharlees rattakisses said:
:giggle: The first pix made me LOL!!
As for the second? He 's SOOOOO cute. :cuddle:
I can't help with the Man Rat issues as I only have girlies sorry.

Al was totally enjoying that.

But since you have girls how do you tell who is the alpha in the girl cage? I really cannot tell with my girls.
mamarat said:
Templeton is still rubbing his bum on my lamp, i know he doesn't think a genie will appear so his hormones are still crazy.

Can you tell we watched Aladdin this weekend? LOL Now every time he does it, that is what i think about.

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