Need tips to make rat less scared

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
Bergen, Norway
So I got Nilus just a few days ago, and he is pretty scared. He's not screaming or biting bur all my normal tricks seems to make him a bit mor unsure. I'm thinking that a friend, who's not scared can help, and I am working on that, but while I try intros I need a bit help.
I normally put him under my sweater or under my blanket so they're getting used to my smell and my movements. But this seems to do the oposit effect. He always seems a bit more unsure after the playtime.
I also sit with my hand in the cage, trying to give him snacks but when I do it he just sit still and do not move what so ever. The first few times he seemed interested in me, now he just seems scared.
I have him under my blancet now, and he is moving a bit more around, so it is possible I'm doing more progress than I can see, but it's always a good time to learn new tricsk, so I was hoping someone here have som good tricks to make a rat safe and comfortable with you.

He don't take snacks from my hand, unless he is in his cage and it smells really really good.
You've only had him a few days, it's going to take more time for him to come around. Keep doing what you are doing, I bet soon enough he might come around.
I know he's not gonna be calm or anything by now, but he is more scared of me when the outtime is finish.
And it would be nice to teach new tricks to tame a rat anyway, I like having a few tricks in my sleve.
Sometimes half an hour, sometimes one hour, sometimes two, one time I had him out for four hours, and that was when he was calmest when I put him bakc, but that time he was just in the sofa and not as much with me.
It variates. I spend atleas three hours a day with him.
And I also sit with my hand in his cage a while pr day.
The things you are doing sound good.
By keeping him out longer then 20 or 30 min, it should be helping him to feel a bit safer.
Too bad he is by himself.
I guess you can only keep doing what you are doing and intro him as soon as you can.
Hope he is soon feeling less fearful, but as Jorats said, it will take some time.
Ok, thanks.
Took him out now, a bit less scared than yesterday. He's safer when I'm in his cage, and he don't run and hide when new people is in the house. Also he took shrimp from my hand, so if I give him exlucive food he will take it.
He did not like the smell of my other boys yesterday, will check today.
Trying intros soon, 'cause I think that will help.

It's good to know I'm not doing anything wrong at least. :)

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