Well-Known Member
It has been like 20 years since I have had a rat so it is all kind of new to me again. I got two girls two weeks ago; Science who was born at the beginning of February and Marceline who was born in January. I remember my rat 20 years ago being very cuddly and would crawl all over over me but these two girls seem very skittish. I understand why with Science because she is PEW so she can barely see. I choose Marceline at the pet store because she was very calm and cuddly. When I take her out she freaks for a few minutes but after that I can get her to snuggle and enjoy scratches and lovins but if there is any noise or movement she jumps. I hand feed them treats and if I put my hand in the cage both will come up sniff, nibble and lick my hands and fingers but trying to pick them up I have to chase them sometimes. Marcy was easy to pick up tonight and she sat in my hand for a few minutes before i put her back. I don't want to stress them out but I also want them to become more social. Both were hand raised since babies. So any advice you can give me I would gladly take it.