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Jo will be able to tell you about preventative nebulizing. That I've never done.

When being used in treatment nebulizing is usually done in addition to the oral antibiotics. It isn't a direct replacement.

When I was nebulizing I was giving baytril/doxy orally, and gentamicin and aminophylline mixed with saline nebulized. It really stressed my rat out though.

If I was to go back in time with that rat, I would try again and put her in just a regular small cage with a towel over it. Maybe not quite as effective as putting them in a rubbermaid but that put my girl over the top with anxiety.

Knock on wood hopefully I don't have any very serious respiratory issues again, but if I do I will give nebulizing another go for sure. (Since no one wanted to buy my nebulizer LOL)
I have always nebulized Gentocin in addition to giving oral antibiotics, usually only Baytril.
I have never nebulized preventatively.
Way in the beginning, I was using nebulizing as a part of a treatment to my rat's pneumonia. I was disappointed that it didn't help, in fact it made my rats worse because it would only stress them out. I had only used injectable Baytril and nothing else. I've heard of people having success with gentamicin.
I strongly believe that nebulizing should not replace oral meds.
Nebulizing can also be done without putting the rat in a container which is what stresses them out, but you can place the rat in a cage like what Lise mentioned or even just having the rat sit on you and having the cup directed toward the rat. Remember though, this means that you are breathing in this medication. :(

For over 2 years now, I've been trying pulse nebulizing as a preventive treatment. I'm about to put together my information for my vet, I'll also put it here. But basically, we've found that our rats live longer. The only problem with this kind of very basic study, there is no control group and that really sucks. There are so many what ifs... but in the end, I've seen my rats get seriously sick later in the lives. I used to lose my rats at 14 to 20 months. Now, they are living over 24 months, my Bijou being 41m, Loki 40m, and I've got 9 over 27m. :)
Yep, mine was $200. But I bought mine at a Guardian. It's a Pari Proneb.

My next young crew, I've decided not to nebulize. I want to see if there's a difference. It's going to break my heart if these sweeties go young, but it's pointless to do something when you don't know if it's actually working. :?
Thanks, very interesting!
Jorats, for the rats who are getting the pulse preventative treatment - you mentioned they live longer - what was their general health like during their lives? Did they still get sick from time to time and require oral antibiotics?

For the pulse preventative, are you giving them antibiotics in these treatments of just plain nebulizing to keep their lungs open? And how often do you give the treatments?
I nebulize them with injectable Baytril, once a day for 14 days every 2.5 months.
In the cup, I put .5cc of Baytril with 7.0cc of Saline mix, nebulize for 10 minutes at a time.

This is the compressor and cup:


The container:


With drilled holes to allow better air/vapour flow:


All the ratties in the container, a little stressed out:

thats alot of rats in that container......

If I were you I would continue that practice in the colony even with the young ones coming in. Sounds to me like you have hit on something with keeping the lung issues to a minimum. But I can see your point without having a control group....
I started out with a small container, doing only 5 rats at a time and then I talked to my vet and by doing a whole bunch of rats together, I was saving on meds, so I got this big container and put all my 18 rats in there. I also noticed the more rats the better because it helps with their stress level.

Another plus... if you are trying to do intros, this helps a lot cause it's a scary place so instead of taking time beating each other up, they cuddle up closely together forming a bond.
Another thing I noticed, you can really tell with the nebulizing who's sick and who's got excellent lungs, those that breathing great, don't seem to mind the nebulizer, they will even play and groom themselves instead of looking for a way out.
Once I get my data all together, I'll have that information. But off the top of my head, thinking back in the past two years, I've only had about 5 out of 18 needing oral meds.

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