My two new boys. Filthy, sneezy, and aggressive.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2011
I rescued four boys on October 1st. Their owner got them from a 'friend' whose snake wouldn't eat them. To sum it up the person I got them from is not new to rats, so it's safe to say that she is a careless irresponsible rat owner. She was a member of the rat shacks facebook for a short period of time until I was 'rude' to her. I'm sure we all know what happens when you attempt to tell someone, even kindly, how to properly care for rats and what mistake they're making. We live and learn, but nobody will learn if they don't take constructive criticism. Moving on..

I am still not certain what I am going to do with the other two boys I don't plan on keeping. I contacted someone at the Humane Society and she said someone would be willing to foster them to work with them and that euthanasia would only be used as a last resort. I would keep them and work with them but two is already enough, I don't know if I could handle four biters especially being bit so hard for the first time. I've got to say, I never thought I'd ever fear any rat. LOL. So if anyone has any advice as what to do about the other two biters and if I should surrender them to the humane society and if there is anything I should at least ask/say etc please let me know.

These boys aren't very clean, and their coats are very rough. I know it's normal for boys to be a lot more greasy and such but when I had boys before they weren't this bad. Their coats shined, and were as soft as could be for males. These boys' coats are dull, and stained with porphyrin. I wish I could give them baths despite all my ranting about how rats shouldn't be bathed. I know I will have to wait before I do anything (I figure wiping off the porph with hydrogen peroxide and then wiping them down with a wet rag is what I will do) until they trust me. I have been giving them Booster and olive oil mixed in baby cereal. Is there anything else I can do?

They have been sneezing which I would expect, but it seems to be worsening. I am worried about giving them antibiotics as they are young and I don't want to deal with resistant bacteria in the future. The sneezes sound wet and they are starting to make grunting/whistling sounds. Should I go ahead and start them on Doxy/Baytril, or try just Baytril? I want to be sure I nip it in the bud.

Since I was bitten, I haven't really interacted with the two other boys, but the ones I am keeping I started working with after they settled in. Yesterday they got a Martins R-695 (I bought it used for $20!) and I think it's perfect for the two pissy boys. I am quite pleased how much fighting has been reduced since I split the group of 4 into twos. I am rambling more than I planned to so I will try to get to my last few questions. One of them nips, and so far the other hasn't nipped a whole lot. Thanks to the helpful advice Shelagh shared with me about not offering them my knuckle, it's really helped. The one that nips does however hover over my hand over to bite my knuckle. Every time I say hello to them, I give them a treat and speak gently to them. I am seeing progress with the one that doesn't nip. I held him (I probably shouldn't yet) and pet over his eyes and scratched his head a little and when I put him back in the cage he popcorned and glared at me lovingly. I shouldn't be deceived though! Any advice would be helpful, and feel free to ask questions since I didn't really mention much of their behavior! This is just too long already.

This would be much easier to follow if they had names. They should have one by tonight.
Honestly, if they need antibiotics it's better to treat them promptly and for long enough to prevent long term damage and antibiotic resistance. If they're young, treating until they are completely recovered and a healthy environment can prevent them being sickly the rest of their lives. I have a rat I fostered when she was 5 weeks old and so sick we thought she wouldn't survive that has never had a flareup since finishing her antibiotics.

How old are they?

As for the biting, I can understand being afraid of them because rat bites are so painful (it's hard to understand unless you've been bit) but I wouldn't give up hope for them yet. They were feeders and treated like crap, were in a tank with a snake once, etc. It's understandable they're going to have trust issues with humans. Keeping the cage somewhere there's a lot of human traffic will go a long way to teach them you will not harm them. Give them a few days to settle in and get themselves cleaned up. You don't even have to handle them if you're scared, just talk to them in the cage and spend time around them for now.
After some thinking and taking what you guys said into consideration, I think I will keep them all.

There has been improvement with one of them. Well, with all of them, even though it may be slight. I named one of them Sebastian (who is the one improving so quickly) and think I will call the one that bites hardest Lecter.
Still thinking of names for the other two. It would be wonderful to find them a loving home even though they have one here. Someone here or on GM would be awesome...but if that doesn't happen that's OK. I do not know their exact age, but I am guessing under a year.

While they are all squishy and sleeping, (the two boys I am becoming comfortable with, I haven't touched Lecter again) I wipe the porph off with a wet cotton ball. I give them scritches too while doing it, and have been able to slowly make them look better. It's not that I care what they look like as if I was being picky about fur color (I couldn't care less about ear type or coat type)'s just that I care that my rats don't look neglected. I always clean my girls' tails as it seems it makes them feel better. I don't know, I can't really explain it.

Anyway, I will start them on Baytril tomorrow, unless a combo would be a better idea to ensure it doesn't come back?

The encouragement really helps, thank you. :heart:
Are you able to afford neuters? I'm thinking it can't hurt, and could certainly make their temperment mellower, with you and their brothers.
Keep plying them with a soft voice and lots of yummy treats - we all know the way to a man's heart is with FOOD! LOL
*Poor* little boys! I hope that they learn to understand trust and love soon - everyone will feel better!
I'm so glad you've decided to keep them all - after that kind of beginning they really do need special kindness and understanding!
LOL those aren't their names! :laugh4: I did name them though. Sebastian, Vincent, Lecter and Frankie.
I can't afford neuters at all. With surgery's my girls come first and I am currently saving up for a tumor removal for one of them. I am jobless with now 11 rats, but have been doing a great job getting what they need so far. I have various antibiotics on hand, which has really helped me out. Not having money is the main reason I didn't want these boys, but they would have been worse off if I didn't save them. If the opportunity arises that I am able to find another home that would be just as good as here or even better I will not think twice about rehoming them. I wonder if my vet would allow me to put a flier or something in her clinic, but I'm not sure how I'd go about asking that as there is never anything like that hung up. I'd feel rude.

I have Sebastian and Vincent on Baytril. I will see how they respond within 5 days and if it's not good enough I'll add Doxy.

If I do not keep up on playtime when they are awake, they do get into scuffles which is stressful if I am trying to sleep, but they are doing much better.

Their weakness is puffs. :nod:
Sigh. :?
They expect hours of play time now and will fight whether I give it to them or not. They are tugging at their doors after I put them back from playtime. When I give them playtime all they want to do is escape the playpen. They are acting like they've slept for a decade and just drank an energy drink. This is Vincent and Sebastian by the way. I am sure this is just wonderful though..the stimulation and attention must be exciting..
I just am doubting again and feel like this is too much for me. Whenever I am around other rats that aren't my seven girls, I begin to wonder whether I love rats, or if I love MY rats.

Hyper boys. I wish there were more rat lovers in Utah as I can only handle so much.
I feel the same with you in TX Rattus, there really aren't that many rat lovers in my area, they all seem to be up in the northern part of TX grr *Looks at Kate* MOVE DOWN HERE NOW lol!

Well being jobless and having that many rats, I can't imagine the stress you're going through. I was the same way when I ran into health issues with my boys, plus neuters, and their destructive playfullness in my room that I had to rearrange (believe me that cost more then one would think). Not having a job and covering all my expenses through a small inheritence, made me want to cry with frustration, but I wanted my rats, and I knew the responsibility I was getting into, and I was committed no matter how much it might hurt me financially. Luckily now I have a job and I can relax knowing this won't hurt me anymore.

This isn't helping you though sorry... I guess my point is, had I not have a job and the struggles continued to grow I'd may have to do the more fairest thing for my boys and give them to a trusted shelter who takes in rats (no belief in enthunasia for smaller pets). It wouldn't be fair for to keep them if I couldn't take care of their special needs. I'm not saying this is what you should do, you said you were fostering right? It may seem rough now, but if you keep at it I'm sure things will sort themselves out, I had to keep believing and things have gotten better for us, I'm sure they will for you too. You're doing awsome!
RattusNorvegicus said:
If the opportunity arises that I am able to find another home that would be just as good as here or even better I will not think twice about rehoming them. I wonder if my vet would allow me to put a flier or something in her clinic, but I'm not sure how I'd go about asking that as there is never anything like that hung up. I'd feel rude.
If your vet is like most vets, ie in it because they love animals and only want the best for them, then she may have a spot, or sources that know where to post something like that. The absolute worst thing that can happen is that she says NO. The best thing is that the boys get a new home! -->Everything to gain, nothing to lose. Go for it!
I would, however, be frank about their temperment and that they would be for an experienced owner. Then the person adopting them will know what they're in for and be accepting.
Good luck!
As I was reading your post, all I could think of is "those boys are between 8 months and 1 year-old, and they need a neuter!". Then you proved me right. It must be so frustrating when there's a easy way out and you cannot take it! These boys sound like they are raging with hormones... but I am certain that with a lot of TLC to get them socialized and with time to help those hormones stabilize a bit, they will become extraordinary pets.

I just had a thought but I'm pretty sure this will not be an option either - maybe an implant could help? They could be less expensive then a neuter, although I think they cost about the same at my clinic... but this is not a very widespread practice yet either...
Filthy Sneezy and Aggressive? Sounds like you've hit the trifecta, my friend.

They're lucky to have you trying to work with them. Try not to be afraid of being bit. Some animals sense your fear and feed off of it. Handle any biters with thick gloves until you build confidence and they build some trust. Given the circumstances, they could probably be much worse. Bless you for taking them!
Thanks guys.
These boys are making me doubt, then making me hopeful, doubt, hopeful. Right now I am hopeful, and proud! As each day goes by I learn more and more about them. I can hold ALL but one, Lecter. And just now during Lecter and Frankie's playtime, I reached my hand in there and offered them a cheerio. Lecter was very nervous, but gently took it from me. :heart: (Lecter is the one that bit me really hard.) Lecters eyes melt me...I sure hope he comes around, he deserves every moment of happiness he can get.

Sebastian and Vincent are much cleaner now. I wiped them off with a rag and luckily they forgave me. And I would ask about an implant for the boys, but I can't afford that either as if anyone gets an implant it'd be my girls (mammary tumors are popping up).
Anyway, why haven't I posted pictures yet?

I introduce:
Vincent and Sebastian

Lecter and Frankie

My apologies if the photos are too big. I do resize them but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
Frankie and Lecter

Lecter and Frankie "Who dat?"


Sebastian getting sweeter everyday..

Vincent. As you can see his left eye is smaller than the other making him great at stink eyes.

Pretending to be nice for the photo..

Pictures can be deceiving.
What a bunch of handsome cutie patooties! I see a :heart: blondie :heart: *swoons*
I nom both the dangle shots for RPOM. Love!
It's so good to see that they are coming around. :joy:
So.. a great update. Firstly...I touched Lecter!

I used to wrap him up in fleece to take him back to his cage from the playpen, but recently I gently pick him up and take him. I avoid getting my skin near his face though it doesn't seem he will bite. I gave him a cheerio and while he was eating I gently pet him. Now that was rude of me to say all the boys were dirty...he looks like a girl he keeps his coat so nice.

Frankie is really sweet with me. He hasn't nipped me since the first few days I had him. He is gentle with me and likes to sit on my lap during playtime. I was able to clean up his tail too. :D P.S he gives me kisses! He still is Mr. dominant with Lecter though. There is lots of humping and power grooming, but Lecter puts up with it and only protests which is absolutely stupidly silly.
It sounds like you have manly boys who will scuffle sometimes but to them it is brothers who pound on each other then laugh about it later. :roll:

I wish I could see the pics (at work right now) but you are doing GREAT!
Both my boys are neutered by they still rough groom and pin each other in show of dominance and play fighting. It's silly to watch at times, but the squeaking can get irritating if it happends every 5mins lol, boys will be boys though right? :D

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