my rats hate me :(

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SQ said:
If you put them in the tub you:
- put the plug in
- cover the bottom of the tub with a soft blanket (ex: fleece)
- add toys, yummy treats, whatever
- sit by the side of the tub with your hand in the tub for them to sniff.

People normally use the tub for intros since it is neutral territory.

When I got some pet store rats years ago, I would put them on the bed with things for them to crawl under, a tube to run through and they also had access to their cage. I would lie on the bed reading, etc for hours and they would eventually come out to explore, eventually climbing on me etc.

that bed idea is a great idea!!! ill just need to buy some large pieces of fleece to cover my bed though since they are probably going to poop and pee. do rats ever jump or climb off your bed? my bed is about 20 inches off the ground.
does anyone know a place where i can buy large inexpensive fleece to cover my bed? or material similar to it that will protect my bed from poop and pee.
Your best bet would probably be quilt backing at fabric stores, or cheap sheets over a cheap shower curtain. Dollar store time! ;)
Oxyvince said:
lilspaz68 said:
Are you having to chase the girls around the cage and then grab them to get them out of the cage? If this is so, you need to definitely take a step back. Sit by their cage, talk to them, until they relax...supposedly rats can only hold onto extreme fear for 20 minutes. If you are nearby but aren't trying to catch them or touch them, they may relax and become more curious.

Can you tell us how you hold them, how you catch them etc?

what i tend to do is just grab them from behind,i try not to hurt them, and pick them up.. the cage opening isnt too big enough for me to put two arms in and scoop them
This is one reason I love the FN/CN as the doors are wide open and the rat doesn't feel like something is grabbing at them...
grabbing at them is definitely not the way to go. for truly scared babies, I lift off the cage from the base so they can either come out on their own, or I have more room to do a gentle scroop with 2 hands. Always remember that scared rats are very instinctual and swooping down from above and grbbing them is like a predator from the air and will terrify them. I try to scoop them 2-handed. They may slip out, but no big deal, give them a minute and try again. I use my couch, I put a blanket over my boy lying down (you can do this in a chair as well) and put the babies under the blanket on or near me. (Make sure your couch doenst' have anywhere they can slip and squish into...digging babies out of couches is pure torture for both parties). YOu can even cover the couch so they have no where to go and lie on top of that. Babies are covered up which takes away one of their fears. Then I read and watch TV while they start exploring under the blanket...getting to know Me without the scary predator hands. Rats are naturally curious so eventually one of them will stick out a head from under the blanket, and eventually crawl out. Don't stare at them, or constantly try to touch or hold them...relax and let them take things at their own pace. I also do this with scared unsocialized adult rats...just not hormonal males as you have to watch their body language carefully.
I wonder if it would help if you got one more rat of the same sex that has been hand raised? I'm new to rats and have two hand raised boys from a rescued feeder mother rat from an avid rat fan who is also a friend of mine. I have long hair and they hang out on my shoulders and they almost immediately crawl into my shirt and snuggle. I wonder if they would learn from the new rat to trust a bit easier? I'm not sure, but just a suggestion. You have to be careful about introducing a new rat to the cage. There is a lot of guidance on that on the net. Rats are really great pets once they trust you. Like everyone else said, sounds like they need time and you need to stop doing anything that is making them more fearful of you like grabbing them out of their cage. They have to associate that with being grabbed by a predator. Even my rats tense up when I pick them up and they really, really trust me!

Good luck!
heatherbegazo said:
I wonder if it would help if you got one more rat of the same sex that has been hand raised? I'm new to rats and have two hand raised boys from a rescued feeder mother rat from an avid rat fan who is also a friend of mine. I have long hair and they hang out on my shoulders and they almost immediately crawl into my shirt and snuggle. I wonder if they would learn from the new rat to trust a bit easier? I'm not sure, but just a suggestion. You have to be careful about introducing a new rat to the cage. There is a lot of guidance on that on the net. Rats are really great pets once they trust you. Like everyone else said, sounds like they need time and you need to stop doing anything that is making them more fearful of you like grabbing them out of their cage. They have to associate that with being grabbed by a predator. Even my rats tense up when I pick them up and they really, really trust me!

Good luck!

Heather, this thread is over a year old, I haven't seen Oxyvince online in a long time, but it is good advice to add.

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