My rat is sick. Please help

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Aug 14, 2020
My rat started with some respiratory problems a few weeks ago. I went to a vet and started treating him with anti-biotics and antiinflammatories. It all went well and he got better. But a few days ago he started becoming worst. Much like the first time. I sent a message to the vet and he told me to do the same treatment. But this time the rat won't get better (he isn't getting worst at least). And he is not eating. He is walking around and drinking water(the first time he just went to a corner and almost wasn't moving) but now he just won't eat. I talked to the vet but he doesn't know what to do because he is no specialist and I don't have one in my area. If anyone know what to do, please help.
1. What medication was he on?
2. What was the strength of each medication (mg/ml)?
3. What was the dose (ml)? How often?
4. How long was he on the medication? (rats need to say on antibiotics at least 4 to 6 weeks or their are not better although symptoms may have improved)
5. What does he weigh? (a digital scale with a tare function is an important piece of equipment for rat owners)
6. Please post a video or 2 showing his breathing on youtube and then post the link on here

Food: It is hard for him to eat and try to breath at the same time
soak his rat blocks in cool water to make mush as it will be easier for him to eat
feed him organic or nonGMO infant soy formula thickened with baby cereal
These will both give him the nutrition he needs. If unable to eat these then he may be able to lick the thickened formula off your finger ........ if you find that you need to syringe feed him, the put a tiny amount into the side of his mouth so that it does not go into his lungs

you can supplement the foods mentioned above with cooked vegs, cooked oatmeal, cooked quinoa. greens, baby food, watermelon for fluid etc It is important that he stay hydrated because dehydration kills.
Hey guys. Sorry for taking so long to answer. I finally found a vet specialized in rats in my region and was the whole day busy on the vet or buying the meds. I found that the earlier vet had prescribed the antibiotics for only 5 days which was a complete mistake and probably he was still carrying the disease but without showing the symptoms. He will take for more 4 days (he has taken them for 3 days now) the anti-inflammatories (prednisolone 3mg/ml, a 0,2ml dose, reducing the dosage on the last days). He will start taking probiotics 1g for each day, during the whole treatment. And also a vitamin supplement(one drop every 12 hours). And now he will be taking another antibiotics (liquid doxycycline, 0,5ml every 12hours for 14 days). And I'm giving him his rat blocks crushed and mixed with water. For me the vet sounded ok, but after the last one I'm not that sure, especially because she prescribed the antibiotics for only 14 days. Do you guys think this sounds ok? My boy is almost 2 years old and weighs 410 grams (he lost some weight since he started being sick)
Lilspaz68 ca tell you if the doses are correct.
If the antibiotics help, then he will need to be on them at least 4 continuous weeks (I find that mine need to be on antibiotics for 6 weeks) 14 days will just reduce or eliminate the symptoms in the short term.
Btw, doxy is not very effective unless paired with baytril.

Hope he is soon feeling better