Well-Known Member
I dunno if this is completely ER-worthy, but he may seriously have some lung problems developing and I need some help analyzing this.
I know I'm being overprotective since losing my other rat recently, but I don't find this to be normal at all...
Ketchup has been sneezing since a day or two after Sucksuck was put down.
He's never done it before.
It started with a sneezing fit in his cage. I figured maybe it's the bedding (I use pine, which I was told was fine from pet stores... only to read that it's not so good on the internet. I've been totally oblivious and I was using it for awhile. It was all fine until now...) so I've been letting him out more often, away from his cage, to help relieve him a bit. I don't have a car, or knowledge of transportation to another pet store who have other bedding choices. Even then, I dunno what to pick...
Anyway, when I'm home, he's out all the time. He even sleeps in my bed... He still sneezed quite a bit. It seems to have died down aside from some random little sneezes here and there.
But I've noticed that whenever I carry him around, I can hear tiny squeaking noises coming from him. As if he were about to sneeze or... I dunno. He isn't actually sneezing though. He doesn't open his mouth at all or make movement while making these noises, they are so tiny... He isn't in pain that I know of. He hasn't wheezed either, unless that's what these noises are...
I don't have a humidifier, so I stuck him in the bathroom as I had a really warm shower, to hopefully ease up whatever was happening in there. I let him lick some water off my fingers 'cause he likes doing that, and I noticed another strange sound when he drinks... Kinda like an inward gasp after each gulp.
I don't notice any other sound coming from him/his lungs when he sneezes, but I'm not exactly sure what to listen for...
He still eats, drinks and plays.
He is in my blankets now and I heard something that sounded like a rat cough.
I just leaned over to stick my ear in his face... His breathing is kinda weird, with a click every breath or so. But it's not too hardcore...
So what exactly is going on!?
If you think it's the bedding, what kind should I get?
Now I'm really getting worried. Again, this is just too soon for something like this to be happening... Bah.
EDIT & FORGOT TO MENTION: his nose is dry with some small amount of red goop. hope that is an okay sign if anything at all...
EDIT #2: His breathing has seemed to get a lot worse since writing this. Now all sorts of noises are evident.
After reading a bunch, it is apparent that this is a myco flare-up and he'll probably need 30 days of baytril + some other med. What I don't know is, if it's pneumonia yet, and what I can do to make him feel better until he gets to a vet. I cannot bring him in until Monday, and maybe not even until Tuesday.
I changed his bedding to simply newspaper+tissue, washed everything, tried to steam him with boiling water (him on my shoulder+towel draped over us) but he freaked out, and right now him and I are sharing a bowl of broccoli, peas, carrots and cauliflower... He drinks water pretty regular. He is staying in my bed cause I think he prefers it over his cage. Man I am spoiling him...
Again I will have to bring him to school if I take him to the vet, which I hope won't stress him to death -_- Can anybody else offer some advice to help him until then? Does dark chocolate really help? All I have is milk chocolate...
I know I'm being overprotective since losing my other rat recently, but I don't find this to be normal at all...
Ketchup has been sneezing since a day or two after Sucksuck was put down.
He's never done it before.
It started with a sneezing fit in his cage. I figured maybe it's the bedding (I use pine, which I was told was fine from pet stores... only to read that it's not so good on the internet. I've been totally oblivious and I was using it for awhile. It was all fine until now...) so I've been letting him out more often, away from his cage, to help relieve him a bit. I don't have a car, or knowledge of transportation to another pet store who have other bedding choices. Even then, I dunno what to pick...
Anyway, when I'm home, he's out all the time. He even sleeps in my bed... He still sneezed quite a bit. It seems to have died down aside from some random little sneezes here and there.
But I've noticed that whenever I carry him around, I can hear tiny squeaking noises coming from him. As if he were about to sneeze or... I dunno. He isn't actually sneezing though. He doesn't open his mouth at all or make movement while making these noises, they are so tiny... He isn't in pain that I know of. He hasn't wheezed either, unless that's what these noises are...
I don't have a humidifier, so I stuck him in the bathroom as I had a really warm shower, to hopefully ease up whatever was happening in there. I let him lick some water off my fingers 'cause he likes doing that, and I noticed another strange sound when he drinks... Kinda like an inward gasp after each gulp.
I don't notice any other sound coming from him/his lungs when he sneezes, but I'm not exactly sure what to listen for...
He still eats, drinks and plays.
He is in my blankets now and I heard something that sounded like a rat cough.
I just leaned over to stick my ear in his face... His breathing is kinda weird, with a click every breath or so. But it's not too hardcore...
So what exactly is going on!?
If you think it's the bedding, what kind should I get?
Now I'm really getting worried. Again, this is just too soon for something like this to be happening... Bah.
EDIT & FORGOT TO MENTION: his nose is dry with some small amount of red goop. hope that is an okay sign if anything at all...
EDIT #2: His breathing has seemed to get a lot worse since writing this. Now all sorts of noises are evident.
After reading a bunch, it is apparent that this is a myco flare-up and he'll probably need 30 days of baytril + some other med. What I don't know is, if it's pneumonia yet, and what I can do to make him feel better until he gets to a vet. I cannot bring him in until Monday, and maybe not even until Tuesday.
I changed his bedding to simply newspaper+tissue, washed everything, tried to steam him with boiling water (him on my shoulder+towel draped over us) but he freaked out, and right now him and I are sharing a bowl of broccoli, peas, carrots and cauliflower... He drinks water pretty regular. He is staying in my bed cause I think he prefers it over his cage. Man I am spoiling him...
Again I will have to bring him to school if I take him to the vet, which I hope won't stress him to death -_- Can anybody else offer some advice to help him until then? Does dark chocolate really help? All I have is milk chocolate...