My New "Strong" Girls - Adira's Next Issue :/

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
Saturday (so far) is going to be a very busy and long day for Jenny and I. She is going to be bringing me supplies and my 5 HAC baby girls on Saturday and once they are literally dumped at my place we are off on a 6 hour round trip to meet Vic who is driving to Kingston to drop off my new 4 gals. These are the ladies I had the transport request up for, but time was getting short for the one lady so Jenny offered to do this halfway so I could get her (and her 3 sisters). They are older/elderly, the black berk has 2 tumours and the little PEW or Smeeze has a huge tumour hanging off of her. I have already emailed Dr. Munn and booked the surgery for next Tuesday.

So meet the ladies. Jenny helped me figure out names that are all variations on the meaning "strong". :)

The black berk is Balera. She is chubby and has 2 smallish masses. My plan is to drop her and the real tumour girl off at the clinic and she can be companion, unless Dr Munn really feels he cannot do the other girl's surgery, then Balera will go under in her place.



I think the rest are siamese, very pale, no markings except a nose smudge, but it seems like they have ruby eyes whereas a himilayan would have pink eyes. So for now I shall call them smeezes :p

I think there's a chubbier one and a smaller thinner one with a pale nose marking.

Valene is the chubbier one


And Triese is the thinner one



And now meet Adira, the real reason I am getting 4 lovely new girls and Dr. Munn is getting another crazy surgery. Vic met them tonight and says her tumour is bigger than it looks in the pics, but she's got okay body condition, her lungs are clear and it seems more like skin and blood vessels rather than a thick nasty attachment to the body, which was my fear :D


THIS pic is what really drew her to me...she's still climbing, lots of life left in this wee one, and hopefully some fight as well. :heart:

Yay! I am so glad you guys are making this happen!!! I have great hope that Dr. Munn will work his magic again. I get such a kick watching those tumour girls learn to walk again without their suitcases. :)
Sending good weather and safe driving your way. :thumbup:
That tumor is surreal. How the heck does someone let it get that big without seeing a vet?

Thank you for taking these little ones. I am really hoping for a good update and post tumor photos.
Wow she's not letting that thing affect her at all! I can't imagine climbing round with something that big between my legs! Hope you and Jenny have a safe and easy drive today!
Awesome to see your tumour friendly cage! I changed mine a bit last night, as Mokey has a swollen foot. But hes still climbing everything. Your new girl seems like she will do the same.
Home...VERY long day but we're home...the 4 gals are super spunky, thrilled with their FN. :) Adira's tumour is going to be a tough one, its got a very thick attachment to the body, and it does far down the inside of her hind leg. There's also another one on top of the bigger one.

None of them were thrilled with being mauled but I am sure I can convince them eventually they love it :D

Pics (mostly of Adira)

This is Balera, the other lumpy girl, one of those lumps is pretty attached as well. I *think* that's a cataract in her eye and if so that places them at 2 years or older as they are sisters. She's super bright, the adventurous one and also the protector of the group :D


Valene and Triese the 2 other himi girls


The 3 mostly unlumpy sisters


and Adira, she was bombing around so getting decent pics of her was tough. :D







Yay!!! I'm so glad everyone is home safe and sound. :)
I still think that Adira's tumour is going to be simpler than her sister's. It's really big, but at least it doesn't appear to be really attached to internal organs. I have great hope that Dr. Munn will be able to work his magic. :D

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