Tried it with the yogurt- she instantly, after a tiny drop, noticed the taste was off or something and refused anymore-- lover her pred as always, though. I tried multiple approaches, but in the end *finally* managed to open her mouth and just shoot it in her. She is sooo upset with me, poor thing.
In other news, I think it's vet time again. She's been kinda crappy, and her fur is thinning. I know that's a sign of old age and PT, but I'm also thinking about maybe mites. Also, she has a scab/sore on her right arm, and I'm scared she is chewing on it because she can't feel it anymore, which is something the vet warned me about.
She also cannot see, AT LEAST out of one eye, but possibly out of both. AND I'm hearing breathing noises that are too loud and wheezy for my liking. Poor Matilda, I'd really hate to see her on 5 antibiotics; I feel horrible making her eat them.(bromo, pred, baytril+doxy for the possible respiratory issues, and revo. or invermectin for the possible mites).
I suppose I could wait and see if the bromo helps, It's only been three days on it as of now- one of them not even a full dose- but that doesn't do anything for the breathing or fur anyways. Also, my vet has this thing where one appointment is $80, but if it is a follow up appointment within a month for the same pet, the price is $40. So it just makes sense to go now, vs. wait a week and pay double. Even if the vet decides nothing is wrong now, I will still be saving in the long run, as I will be able to brin gher in AGAIN within a month of our next visit, and get two visits for the price of one.
EDIT: OK, vet tomorrow. I'm so nervous already, as always.... :sad3: :cry4: