Ever since one of my girls ( Lamb :sad4: ) died nearly 2 weeks ago - her remaining 3 sisters I find sleeping in different locations in the cage. And rarely do all 3 sleep together. It is usually 2 together ( and not always the same 2 ) and 1 separate - or all 3 separate.
When Lamb was alive all 4 slept together in the hammock EVERY night w/o fail. They are all doing great but the sleeping arrangements are so different now. The girls have been together always since March 2013 since the day they were born. I just thought it was odd for them to rearrange their sleeping ways since her death. Anyone have something similar to this happen after a death?
When Lamb was alive all 4 slept together in the hammock EVERY night w/o fail. They are all doing great but the sleeping arrangements are so different now. The girls have been together always since March 2013 since the day they were born. I just thought it was odd for them to rearrange their sleeping ways since her death. Anyone have something similar to this happen after a death?