My Beige boys!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2007
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Just wanted to put up a positive thread. Larry and Stanley have been on baytril for about two months. Larry has also been on aminophylline to help with his breathing. This week I noticed that they are both looking a bit better. Tonight both were taken off abs to see if they can do without them for now. So far so good. Larry, more advanced resp issues, had his last dose of aminophylline last night and is doing incredibly well.

I still have the abs and aminophylline if needed, but we are hopeful that they can be off the abs and stay healthy for now. :D
jorats said:
It's true it seems that we only post when the going gets rough. It's good to read when it's going good too. :D
True that...

That's great news Jen. YAY...

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