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Will has had his ups and down. He had a horrible case of myco and has slowly been declining for the past month. He hasn't been eating, so every four to five hours a day my husband and I have been syringe feeding him ensure and other foods that our vet suggested. We've also been cleaning him, holding him, doing our best to keep him happy and warm. It's so hard to see him fight the syringe, to have seizures, and to struggle to clean himself. I've already talked this over with the vet about a couple weeks ago, and she told us that they will put him under anesthesia and then do an injection into his heart. I'm scared though, because she will not let us be in the room due to the gas. I trust that they will use gas, but I'm afraid he's going to be so scared and so alone. My heart is torn right now. I just need to know what I should do or know if someone else has been in this predicament. Thank you.