So she's been on Baytril for a week now, the vet messed it up and only gave me twelve doses instead of 28 so I had to go get some more. But anyway, she's definitely got more energy than before, she moves around a lot when she's out of the cage and she is drinking a little more water. From Saturday to Monday I started feeding her the labblocks, I'd wet it and hold onto it for her and she would eat it quite enthusiastically. Suddenly, however, Tuesday, she just would eat it. I have no idea why. I make oatmeal and try to make it runny so she can lap it up, and she doesn't eat the stuff, she just licks all the liquid away. Is there a reason she'd start not liking eating? She's been grinding her teeth a lot lately, and I thought it was just a response to having her teeth trimmed, but that was last Tuesday and she ate after a couple of days. I'm so sad right now. There isn't half as much poryphrin as before, there's none in one eye at all!