My baby is sick...

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foods containing lots of water as previously suggested
- lab blocks soaked in water to make mush
- water melon, catelop, etc

and baby cereal mixed up with soy infant formula, ensure or water
So she's been on Baytril for a week now, the vet messed it up and only gave me twelve doses instead of 28 so I had to go get some more. But anyway, she's definitely got more energy than before, she moves around a lot when she's out of the cage and she is drinking a little more water. From Saturday to Monday I started feeding her the labblocks, I'd wet it and hold onto it for her and she would eat it quite enthusiastically. Suddenly, however, Tuesday, she just would eat it. I have no idea why. I make oatmeal and try to make it runny so she can lap it up, and she doesn't eat the stuff, she just licks all the liquid away. Is there a reason she'd start not liking eating? She's been grinding her teeth a lot lately, and I thought it was just a response to having her teeth trimmed, but that was last Tuesday and she ate after a couple of days. I'm so sad right now. There isn't half as much poryphrin as before, there's none in one eye at all!
Would your vet consider adding another antibiotic? Doxycycline or Zithromycin are the ones most often used with Baytril for myco infections. Clavamox is good in case of secondary infections.

It's hard when they won't eat, but it's good that she is still drinking. maybe some Ensure or some baby cereal would encourage her to take in more.
I would really like to get her back to the vet, but the visit was 60 and I don't even have ten to my name. Maybe after Christmas I'll have some money, and I would happily bring her back. I will definitely pick up some Ensure or baby food (which she DID eat like crazy when I had it :p) What I find so fantastic is Zelda will put all the food next to her and push it toward Saria's face. Makes me cry to see how sweet she is to her sicky sister. I'm gonna go mush some food, see if that is more appetizing for her.
I haven't posted in a bit, internet is scarce where I am.

A couple of hours before we left for home she started breathing very heavily. She didn't get to come home with us. Our little baby started breathing far to hard and then she couldn't go any further. :(

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