My babies

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Senior Member
Jul 23, 2007
Victoria BC
I have 6 beautiful little angel girls and haven't been sharing them.... Missed showing a lot of cute pictures but I'm gonna introduce them all anyway and hopefully stay on the ball when I catch especially cute pics..

July 5/07 Kelley came into rescue with 50 rats taken from a breeder in a cruelty investigation. All would all be euthanized if not taken from spca within 3 days. Amazingly SARS BC took and placed them all. Don't know her age. She came to me Aug 6 because "quote" She's got respiratory problems and it'll most likely be a chronic thing as she went without any treatment for far too long so her lungs are damaged... She's not really adoptable as it is as she'll probably have to be on meds for the rest of her life She came awfully noisy but I'm happy to say she has no breathing problems at all now and hasn't had meds since the 1st 2 weeks. So she came and lived with my Erin & Wanda, then Savanna too, and they all passed within a short time and she was alone for 3 days until Oct 3. She's a funny girl, she nips fingers but lets you kiss her and bruxes when I do this power-trip on her when she nips:

Oct 3 Astoria came with 4 younguns - She's my grande dame. Don't know how old she is - she came into SARS BC rescue oct '06 with 20 kin. Left at spca in filthy cages. A tumor-prone lot, most are gone now. She & her sisters Harriet & Wanda all had tumors removed Jan 22/07 but all had recurrences. My Wanda lived here Apr. 17 til till she passed full of tumors Sept 23. Astoria lived in fostercare with Harriet who passed Sept 15 and she was alone, so she came to live here, I sure see my Wanda in her sweetness, tho she's not as affectionate with me.

And the 4 younguns - Woman in Oregon evicted from her home had 40 rats all in 2 cages (sexes mixed). Troutdale Rescue in Oregon found out Aug 16/07 that they were sheduled for euthanasia at spca on the 18th and took them all and contacted other rescues.. SAR BC took 7 girls & 2 boys for Ratamataz who'd heard about the rescue and contacted her. I was told there were 2 old nekked girls I said I'd take. The girls all got spayed and went into foster care to recover.
Nekked Summer & Sumone turned out to be young - not old at all :( same age as Ratamataz' boys - she made their birthdays July 10. I wasn't going to take them as I want to be a respite home, and they were young and adoptable.... but I'd already named them - and got psyched - you know ....
I lost 2 of my 4 girls waiting for them so when time got close for them to come and I knew 2 others girls were still unspoken for I asked about their chances of getting adopted soon and was told they weren't too good, being pink-eyed.
So as long as my life was going from relaxing with the old kids to constant on-guard with young-uns, what the heck if it's 2 or 4? My biggest problem has always been agonizing over tumors I can't afford to remove from kids who could have more time if I could, and these girls are all spayed so there's a big hopeful plus.
So Summer & Sumone (who I named right off the bat for mamarat's Summer & SARS Simone & Susan who looked after my Savanna when she went to Vanouver for tumor removal) and Fidget & Sugar (who their post-spay dad named - Fidget for me :D ) came Oct 3 with Astoria to keep Kelley company. :grouphug:
They got along beautifully (with a bit of guidance) from the word go. My 6 lovely ladies...


Kelley, Fidget, Astoria

Sugar & Summer

Sumone & my friend Xavier



Sugar & Sumone

Summer & Sumone


Older Kelley who came permantly damaged to live out her life in as much comfort possible here is perfectly healthy - not a bad sound out of her. .... And baby Summer who came healthy turned out to be the one tortured with bad breathing & forced meds.... go figure.
Fidget said:
Hello? Nobody's admiring my babies :tantrum: Time difference?

Hehe quite possibly time difference, it's 9.40 am here in the uk now.

They're all so gorgeous!! I love the pic of Summer and Sumone together where Summer has her head tucked under! And the one of Astoria in the hammie with her back foot sticking up, hehe it looks like she's been disturbed midgroom, and her expression is to die for. She looks so sad and winnie the pooh like!

The rescue stories are so sad, and I'm glad some got to live out the rest of their lives in a special home with you... It so sad that people keep them this way, absolutely hideous... I think I'll go to the RSPCA and see what they have in... last time I went, someone had abandoned 12 babies, and as tempted as I was, I left them as they were all very cute and would be adopted soon enough... instead I took home Tash, and renamed her Pookie, a long time resident on permanent meds... she died after 3 weeks of having her, but by god did she have a pampered 3 weeks. It's little things like that that make the world go round... knowing that if it wasn't for me, that little girlie would have died in a chicken wire cage with no company and minimal loving.

I really admire you taking in all the rescues, it's something really special, and the rats deserve it... It's just heartbraking that so many die.

In the first pic is that Kelley on a power-trip??haha suspended in such an undignified and frustrating manner until she realises that nipping it not typical rat behaviour!! hahah good idea!

Scritches to all your fuzzies and unfuzzed nekkids x
starfoot said:
I took home Tash, and renamed her Pookie, a long time resident on permanent meds... she died after 3 weeks of having her, but by god did she have a pampered 3 weeks.
Starfoot! Oh, you so get it! I`m sorry about Pookie, I know she`s not the only loss you took or that you both gained from first.
One of these days the nekked kids are gonna get you! :D

And yeah, that`me doing the alpha hold on Kelley, but it never changed her behaviour and she`s not mean in the first place, she doesnt break skin, she`s just a mighty weird kid. Never nips any part of me but my fingers and never nips anywhere when Im holding her...
Fidget said:
One of these days the nekked kids are gonna get you! :D

Hahahah I duno!!! I've never seen them round my parts, none of the local breeders have any, and they're certainly not in pet shops... It's hard enough to get dumbos and rexxies let alone mini pink alien kids!
Ah, dumbos - I sure have a soft spot for them.
Seems like in Ontario all the needy kids are blue, a rare thing here in BC...
Makes you wonder if all the homeless kids are coming from the same place :evil:
What beautiful pictures to wake up to. You have such beauties, Lauren. I love the one of Sumone and Summer cuddling together. Six sweeties in their forever homes.
Somehow it's especially rewarding to take in a kid that was so close to being euthanized. To see them enjoying life and each such a precious little individual with something special to give. Each one shows me something about life, or touches a part of me that I didn't know existed.... To think that that any of them could have been tossed when they're each such a gift :cry:
It's such a selfish joy to see them living.
Fidget, your babies are soo cute I'd take 'em all home... if they didn't already have such a loving one already. :heart:
Ok, how in the world did I miss this thread? I kept checking the date, then I'm checking the date on my computer. 2 days? :shock:
So I've decided it's because of the influx of beautiful pics and stories crashing in this section all at once. :lol:

Fidget, I love them all! You take such wonderful pictures of them at such perfect moments. I love the one with the noodle in her mouth.
And I have to say, if I ever visit, you know you'll be losing Astoria. :wink:
Is that her name from before or did you give her that name, I totally love it. It is so her.
I don't know why but Astoria's my favourite, hehe! Such a sweet photo. But they're all gorgeous, of course.
I thought I replied here! Eep!

I LOVE the shot of Astoria sitting in the hammock like a human. Adorable.
Thanks for the adoration everyone! :D
I love that picture of Astoria too, she looks like a young'un there, doesn't she? If Summer hadn't been having problems since all 5 came then Astoria would be my most special girl - cause she's senior :) and battling recurring tumors :(

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