Most likely Sendai+a warning about Tails&Scales Pet Store

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2007
I haven't been on this forum for quite a while so it's really unfortunate that I didn't find out earlier about this virus that seems to be going around, but I just wanted to let you all know that two of my girls, Nala and Chloe, have shown symptoms of SDA over the past two weeks. Nala died suddenly last week and Chloe seems to be very close to a similar fate. I didn't get a chance to see Nala before she passed because it was so sudden (she had a weak immune system). EDIT *Both rats were completely healthy prior to this*

I've been at collage since January and living in residence so I left the ratties in the care of my family. I sometimes come down on weekends though and all the rats were fine up until 2 weeks ago. A week before that I came into contact with some rats, as I was checking out a new pet store down the street called Tails and Scales(near the corner of Keele St. and Dundas St. in Toronto)...A few hours later I came home and changed the ratties litter boxes. Let me point out that this was the first time I have come into contact with ANY other rats (besides my own) for months.

Their symptoms include cervical swelling, loss of appetite, excessive porphyrin, resp problems including fluid in their lungs and sneezing and just a general look of feeling really really sick.

I haven't had time to read through the threads/discussions that have been posted about this, as I've just started researching this in last hour or so since I got home and I'm totally exhausted and sick, but I did see SDA mentioned several times in recent posts when I did a search for it on here. I just thought my story may be of some use to everyone who owns rats in the Toronto area and just to point out that there is a high possibility of a serious virus floating around at that pet store (if it is infact SDA....I really hope I'm wrong and just totally paranoid).

I hope everyone's ratties are doing alright and I'll start reading through some of your posts so I can update myself on what's going on.

And if anyone can give me advice or send me any important links that would be useful I would be very grateful.

For now I'm going to keep my girl warm and do my best to keep her hydrated.

I'm going to call the pet store tomorrow and try and find out where he gets his rats (since he seemed to have a lot) and also if he has noticed anything. I doubt he will tell me since it may cause him to loose business but it's worth a shot.

Oh, and if you know of any other illnesses that cause these symptoms, especially the sudden cervical swelling, I would be very interested in knowing. I'm going to talk to my vet tomorrow too and ask for her advice.
I'm going to try and get a photo up in the morning of the swelling and of her face...maybe someone will be able to recognize the "look" she seems to have....Her eyes look very "squinty"

On a brighter note she is eating some warmed mashed sweet potatoes I offered her....
"SDA is a self-limiting disease. There is no treatment for SDA. It must run its course and will clear up within 7-10 days."

Would antibiotics work in this case? What would I use/what would be prescribed?
It is the secondary infections that kill them very fast.
All rats that have been exposed will need to be closely watched and will all likely need antibiotics.

SDA: from

Broad-spectrum antibiotics such as those used for mycoplasma respiratory infection given at the maximum dosage for 3-4 weeks. Refer to the Rat Medication Guide for broad-spectrum antibiotics.

*Note: Treatment with antibiotics must be aggressive to be effective.

For eyes, use a topical ophthalmic antibiotic ointment.Lubricate with natural “tears” to help with dryness.

Nursing Care
•Maintain a clean, quiet, draft free environment.
•Provide additional warmth using a hot water bottle or heating pad on low heat under one half of cage (ensure rat does not overheat and become dehydrated) post-op.
•Provide extra fluids and nutrition support appropriate for an ill rat.
•Keep affected rats away from bright lighting.
•Reduced severity of symptoms by treating aggressively.
•Reduced mortality rate.
Sendai Virus - what Chelle's rats had and what Shelagh's rats likely had:

it is essential to treat immediately for secondary bacterial infections with broad-spectrum antibiotics as soon as an SV infection is noticed.
For a listing of antimicrobials and broad-spectrum antibiotics see the Rat Medication Guide. Also refer to listings in the Rat Health Guide articles: Mycoplasmosis or Pneumonia, for additional therapies based on severity of signs.
If the rat is not responding then switching to a different antibiotic(s) or increasing dosages may be necessary.

Nursing Care
In the event that respiratory signs surface:
•Give Probiotics such as Bene-Bac or yogurt with live active cultures when using antibiotics, to prevent normal gut flora from being destroyed.
•Maintain rigid environmental hygiene.
•Provide additional warmth using a hot water bottle or heating pad on low under one side of cage (ensure rat does not overheat and become dehydrated).
•Provide additional nutritional supplements to help maintain strength.
•Provide fluids to prevent dehydration (orally or warmed SQ fluids if necessary).
•Make sure food and water are easily accessible.
•Provide humidification to loosen secretions. Provide nebulized breathing treatments if indicated.
•Contact veterinarian to discuss changes in treatment options if condition does not seem to be improving.
•If condition continues to deteriorate and precludes further comfort or quality, discuss euthanasia with veterinarian.
NOTE: For more in-depth nursing care information refer to the Rat Health Guide articles: Mycoplasmosis or Pneumonia.

I called my vet, informed them about the symptoms and what I think it might be, and was booked in for 8:45. Luckily there are no other rats coming in tomorrow either.

At the moment I'm just keeping her warm and feeding her warm, watered down banana and sweet potato but she isn't eating very much. She is away from the other rat and in a small tank with lots of fleece. I'll change that often and keep her in a quite dark place. Hopefully she will be alright until I can get her into the clinic.
SQ said:
Sendai Virus - what Chelle's rats had and what Shelaugh's rats likely had:

I want to reiterate that my rats HAD Sendai first, and sadly Chelle's hubby brought it home after a visit to drop off rat food to me after the Pet Fun Fest. He only handled a rat or 2 at my place but the timeline is accurate for infection at my place. :(

At this point, we were totally unaware of what was going on. :(
lilspaz68 said:
SQ said:
Sendai Virus - what Chelle's rats had and what Shelaugh's rats likely had:

I want to reiterate that my rats HAD Sendai first, and sadly Chelle's hubby brought it home after a visit to drop off rat food to me after the Pet Fun Fest. He only handled a rat or 2 at my place but the timeline is accurate for infection at my place. :(

At this point, we were totally unaware of what was going on. :(

I didn't intend to imply anything.
I was just trying to share the info that the test results came back as sendai, not SDA.

lilspaz68 said:
As for testing, Chelle finally got her results today (she had 2 rats tested a week and a half before I was supposed to, which made me put a hold on my testing plans until we heard back). Both rats tested positive for Sendai and nothing else (no CAR bacillus, etc).

So I decided not to test as at this point it is redundant and shall just keep going the way we are. :thumbup:

Quote is from: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=17796&start=150
no worries Holly, just wanted everyone to know the timeline sequence.

I have spoken to Laura/bruxxy on the phone and it does look like another case of Sendai :(

She has an appointment tomorrow with Dr Munn for Chloe.
I'm wondering...Should call the pet store and let him know what is going on and try and find out where he gets his rats from? I KNOW it came from his store, I just know it! :(
bruxxy said:
I'm wondering...Should call the pet store and let him know what is going on and try and find out where he gets his rats from? I KNOW it came from his store, I just know it! :(

yes you should...ask if they get their rats from a place in mississauga...
perhaps inquire as to where he gets his rats without letting him know they were sick? I think if he was willing to give out the info it would be best to not mntn the illness first?
but who knows if i'm even making any sense today, my head is a fog, my heart is gone....
Good Luck Bruxxy. and I look forward to hearing what he has to say....
This store is new and just (opened up a few months ago) and is about a 8 minute walk from my place :( They have small domestics in Critter Nations in the front window (I can see it from the bus). I think they would probably care if their supplier is giving them deadly stock :(
I think he probably would care. I mean, I have issues with all animal-selling-pet-store-owners (for ethical reasons) and he could certainly be doing a much better job in selling healthier animals (the rats there didn't seem healthy either but I never would have thought it would be something like this!) but he seemed like one of the "better" pet store owners I've met over the years. I'm going to call tomorrow and just tell him straight up what's going on. He's either not going to care or be thankful for the info and do something about it.

If I don't sense that he plans to take action, I'm going to post something on craigslist and post a few warning fliers at local pet supply stores. If he's not willing to do something about it, people still deserve to know what might be going on there.

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