Moses - died

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Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
Jul 21, 2007
central New Brunswick Canada
Moses will be 2 years old Nov. 10
His brother, Aaron, died last Dec. 8 from a heart attack. His mother, Eve, had to be pts last winter when her spleen burst during a vet apointment.
Moses has chf, has lost a lot of weight in the last year that he needed to lose, and he has a large nonmaligant tumour on his side.
The tumour on his side is breaking through the skin.
Yesterday I discovered that one of his ears is bothering him. He had been scratching it, it had quite a bit of discharge and smelled badly infected. I am hoping it is just an ear infection.
It started Moses on baytril + clavamox and hoping to get a vet apt for as soon as the vet can see him.

Any ideas or suggestions?
I doubt Moses is a canidate for surgery given his chf ....
I think if he has CHF then you are better off not doing surgery. If you feel like you have to do something about his tumour, then I guess the tough decision is either to say goodbye, or to attempt surgery, knowing he may not make it through the procedure. Neither choice is a good choice. :(
poor guy. I guess I look at quality of life. If that is being compromised by the tumor I would probably try the surgery...knowing he might not make it..
Off to the vet for 12 noon today .... soonest apt they could give me when I phoned at 8 am yesterday.
Moses' breathing is becomming much more laboured .... not a quality of life issue yet
but not good as his chf must be progressing and there isn't much left that can be done to help

Well, the vet thinks Moses is doing ok re chf and his breathing.
Moses continues to lose weight which is starting to become a concern, although he is not yet too thin.

Since the lump is not deep and is bothering him, Moses will be having surgery to remove it.
My vet feels that although there is a risk, due to the condition Moses is in, the risk is small.
Good question ... I never thought to ask as I was on an early lunch break in order to pick them up, get to the apointment by 12 noon, take the 6 ratties home and get to a midterm supervision appointment for 1.

I don't know when the surgery is booked for ....
It turns out that both of Moses'ears are infected.
I started him on clavamox and baytril on Sat and have not observed a foul odor or discharge since then,
so hopefully that combo will solve the problem.

Do you think he should be completely over the infection before surgery?
I am assuming the vet was thinking of sometime at the beginning of next week ....
I have to return to the vets later today - didn't have time to pay this afternoon - and I will try to speak to my vet about this then.
I postponed his surgery for a week ... rescheduled for this Wednesday.
Today I had several rats at the vet's including Moses.

I cancelled his surgery as I don't like the way Moses has been behaving.
I think his heart issues are geting worse as he hasn't been eating treats (I think it may be difficult to eat and breathe at the same time).
I am also seeing slight signs of possible pt ... occassional head bumping etc
The lump/cyst on his side is looking a bit better and doesn't seem to be bothering him as much.

............. so, hoping Moses has lots of good quality time left ......
and that the lump doesn't bother him
Moses' lump seems to be now growing very fast .... expediential growth
It has at least doubled in size - growing inwards not outward
and the surface looks very painful, black in spots and was weeping a bit of blood yesterday

So ... Moses is scheduled for surgery on Friday.
Dispite his enlarged heart (he is on 4 heart meds), his heart and lungs sound fine so hopefully Moses wil do ok ...
Moses wil be 2 years old this month .... and he is the only surviving member of his family

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