Mortimer's Breathing "habits" *Update* RIP my love

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Senior Member
Dec 9, 2010
East Bay California
History of Mortimer:

He's always had URI's since he was a wee lad. Every 3-5ish months he would be on meds. Other that that he's been healthy except for the past 6ish months. He had 2 tumor removals. A fast growing fatty tumor on his hind leg, and also a mammary tumor on his front end. Since the surgery he's been on Baytril and Vibermicin. Last week we changed him to Baytril and Zithro. He seems to have more energy since on the Zithro. Also...since his 2nd surgery he hasn't recovered all of his weight back, but we're working on that and he's improving slowly. We just had him for a checkup the other day (when we changed to Zithro), the doctor doesn't hear a single bit of congestion or fluid but just hears him 'breathing heavy'.

Do you think there is something underlying going on or is this perhaps some scar tissue? He is active, well he's a little old, going on 2years and since his leg surgery he's been getting HED so of course he's not as fast as he used to be. He can still climb like lightening.

I do have to add, since he's had problems he's always been a heavy breather but I just feel like it's still heavier than I'd like it to be. The vet suggested we do an xray, but I didn't want to bother since it would stress him out more and if he ends up having lung cancer, we can't do much anyway. The dr felt up his organs and said that nothing seems out of place and his kidneys seem normal, he peed all over the table and it was clear, so he wasn't fully worried. He just wants to continue the baytril/zithro combo as long as he is alive so we don't have to worry about him catching another infection.

Here are some videos, him acting normal. In the octopus when he's acting a bit funny...he's actually bruxing and falling asleep but doesn't want to lay down since his brother was being cocky with him :p's the videos:

[BBvideo 425,350:an9pz68g][/BBvideo:an9pz68g]

[BBvideo 425,350:an9pz68g][/BBvideo:an9pz68g]
He is breathing hard, hopefully another few weeks of Baytril and Zithro might help him a great deal. He could have pulmonary abscesses which can't be cured but you can manage and make the rat more comfortable.
He doesn't seem to be miserable, and as I said, he has always breathed really heavy, not this bad, but honestly darn close. The vet really wants to keep him on the Zithro/baytril for the rest of his life. Do you think that's a bad decision?
TheRatQueen said:
He doesn't seem to be miserable, and as I said, he has always breathed really heavy, not this bad, but honestly darn close. The vet really wants to keep him on the Zithro/baytril for the rest of his life. Do you think that's a bad decision?

I thought he looked good too in the video, clearly breathing hard but adapting quite well. I've had rats on Baytril or Zithro for all their lives but never needed to do both. What I would do is the combo for 6 to 8 weeks and then drop down to just Baytril. I would see how they do if it looked bad again, I'd start up the zithro. I'm glad your vet is open to the "forever on meds". Most vets would scoff at that.
My vet is very understanding. He believes that they really do help and it's better to do this than risking further infection. He stated he once had a rabbit with a chronic ear infection and it was on meds it's whoe life bc it would relapse if off so he is strongly for it. Mortimer and Sherlock will both be on meds permanently.

Thanks or he advise Jo.
No noises and no sneezes what so ever. I'm assuming he checked his heart last time we were there he did a check for almost 20 mins examining every little thing. He wants to try the bay trial/Zithromax I believe before we do anything else.
Check his feet lokis feet were colder than the others...he made no noise sound and he looked like that. He got a steroid shot friday and is breathing a bit better maybe they could try that if the meds don't help. My rats that have scarring make a noise. They are kinda raspy wheezy but not sick. If his lungs sound clear I wouldnt think it is sickness. I would guess like jo with abcesses or heart. You could also tru dark choc or a few licks of coffee noth open the airway, they told me both when my daughter had asthma as a child. I think if you feel his ribs and it feels harder than it might be the pulmonary abscess. Shelagh is better with that thing..I havet seen it yet. I would have him listen to his heart or try a steroid next. Poor guy and you I know it is hard to not get the magic fix
I do notice his ribs are more far apart than I remember but this is also the skinniest he as ver been. The vet said he can hear him breathe really heavy but no congestion. I will check his feet tomorrow when he gets up. He is passed out in the hammock. I am due to pick up the chips. 70%dark? How often do you give that to him?
I think it is pretty fast acting. I am not sure though I gave one or two then see if that helps. I heard nothing when my daughter had asthma but her oxygen level was lower than it should be. If all else fails he gets a nice treat to try. I am not sure about the nail beds but I know they will be darker if it is a heart problem but I cannt tell the difference of them as of yet.
He's slowly been getting weaker. Still bright eyed and eating like a horse. weight gain...and now he has these 'fits' of him staring into complete space. Sometimes he'll be holding something in his mouth and just staring. Then last night he started to only eat with one hand so I'm not sure if he's having balancing issues or if he now is developing PT :( Poor guy just can't get a break.
Pictures & Video


Sorry there's a bit of movement:
His breathing just reminds me of heart issues from what I seen. The rocking motion seems more apparent with heart issues.

Hopefully someone sees something in that video and can help you..
jorats said:
He looks like he's struggling to breathe but like hopefloats has mentioned, that could mean heart issues too.

With those pulmonary abscess do they breath like that too?
We just had him to the vet and he didn't hear a peep at all from his lungs :( He checked him out really really good so I'm sure if heard a heart issue he would have mentioned it. We go back on the 7th for sprocket, I just might have him tag along and double check on his heart.
No not always. I had them there a few times his heart went unnoticed. My vet told me that sometimes when they listen with the bigger side of the stethescope that you can miss the problem in the heart, she said they have to use to the smaller side because their heart beats faster and it is hard to hear some new starting problem ...

if his lungs are clear, you can put money on one of the other two then. There isnt much else left.
Yeah, I know about the small part of the scope. I don't remember if he did that or not since it was a week or so ago.

My bf was sleeping last night when I took the video and I just showed it to him, and apparently Mortimer has been standing like that to eat since he healed from his last surgery. I guess I just didn't notice it before, so if it was PT...wouldn't he have shown more symptoms? *shrugs* checkup will be done on the 7th or they're going to call me today to check up on the bunch that I just had in there so I can ask in his notes if he marked about checking his heart.

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