Med Time

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Portland, Oregon
Thought I'd post a pic of how rattie meds work at our house. We have found that CoolWhip works better than anything else, to hide meds. Here's a pic of 4 of our girls who are on meds in one of the big cages. We will dole out a treat to everyone else as a "decoy". Lani, Stella, Sophie and Minnie all know right where mom is going to deliver the "yummies". So they'll come running right to the door. I open the door and they are all lined up and ready.

That's so cute! Does anyone ever finish first and then try to steal someone else's? Or does anyone ever check out everyone else's to make sure it isn't better than their own?? :lol:

CoolWhip sure does help.
Godmother said:
That's so cute! Does anyone ever finish first and then try to steal someone else's? Or does anyone ever check out everyone else's to make sure it isn't better than their own?? :lol:

Well, with this cage group, there's 9 of them. So I'm always standing there with a handful of treats. If someone finishes their 'cookie', they'll come running to see what the others have in the spoons. So I'm right there to hand them another cookie.

As for the ones eating their meds, I have a cookie ready as they finish....or they will want to start on someone else's.

What also helps with med distro:
We have a long paper towel with everyone's name and med doses on it (we have 10 on meds right now). We also have spoons with different color handles, so once we grab the spoons for a certain cage, we don't get them mixed up.

It's quite the assembly line and even my husband is well trained now. :D
Wow, you've got it down to a science. Good on ya! I wish I could train my hubby to help out like that. For now, I must rely on my youngest son. He swears he doesn't like my vermin but something is not jiving, he's got the magic touch, all my rats calm right down when he's holding them. Macho boy just doesn't want me to know he sends them that loving energy. :giggle:

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