Marco - PT

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
I've talked on and off to a few people about this for the past month or so.. and I'm still a bit concerned over the possibility of Marco having a PT due to some of the symptoms he's been showing.
First of all, for those who don't know, he's a rescue (as well as his brother) so their age is unknown.. however they were estimated to be ATLEAST 8-10 months old when I adopted them. Feb.4th will be their "adopted birthday", so I am considering it their 2nd.

Polo is still full of energy as usual (bursts around with speed in the room, springs onto anything possible, popcorns, etc etc). He's showing no signs of slowing down and his weight has been very steady (about 460g).

Marco, on the other hand, has always been a clutz however I'm finding it even more so now that he's aged. He has trouble jumping onto things (either doesn't make it, or will freeze & fall onto his back or slide), doesn't run around as much (although, he's never been TOO energetic), and I've recently found his weight fluctuating a bit.
I use to weigh my rats once a week, however regretfully, I stopped doing that. I thought Marco was starting to look a bit skinnier, so I just started weighing them both again. Marco's average weight use to be 435ish, and he now weighs about 420g. (Those who I spoke to on chat might have remembered me saying he was 411g last week, but I must have not weighed him properly then)
His coat has never been all too pretty, but it has a much rougher look to it now that he's aged. (Polo's, on the other hand, is still soft and a little neatly put together)
He falls a lot.. and while he's always been a clutz, I believe it's much more of a common occurence now. It's gotten to the point where I don't take him for shoulder rides anymore as he's had 2 bad falls the last few times I did that. (both times he just rolled off)


This is how he eats his lab blocks. Either puts it on the floor or leans it on the floor with his butt in the air. I recently noticed that he's starting to occasionally drop(?) it now and will sometimes nudge it with his nose a few times until he picks it up again.



I also have a few short clips of him doing the cheerio test, but they are taking a long time to upload..
He'll hold the cereal above the floor but he tends to occasionally get tipsy while eating them (as in will slightly fall forward)
I'll post the video's if/when they are done uploading.
Okay, thats a bit more of a relief. I'd much rather here that it's due to age then PT!

It just concerns me that he's aging so much more then his cagemate, Polo, but I guess it's the same way with humans.. everyone ages differently!
One of the cheerio tests:

He did much better with it then I thought he was going to, but you can see him do a bit of the "tipping" every now and then.
Sorry it's not the best clip.. my battery was dying so I had to do it quickly and he likes eating on my lap..
I'm in the middle of uploading another video right now. This time it's just him exploring a bit..and I actually captured him having one of his balance issues where he just rolls off the bed.
He brings his back feet to much to the front it seems. Some PT rats do that. But he's holding it very well and eating it very well too.
How's his genitals? Is it clean down there?
I forgot to add.. I've noticed sometimes when he falls onto his side, he'll kick his right hind really fast and he tends to struggle a bit getting up.

He's clean as far as I can tell, but I don't think he grooms as well as Polo.
This is what Eve looked like when she tried to grab cheerios and eat it, this was the first day I noticed that something was wrong:

I took this from her thread: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=19330

Notice the clubbing of the paws and the inability to grasp just one. She also pushed her paws out in front of her and bounced her head up when she was trying to eat.

I'm no expert in PTs, but it has been the only thing I have lost any of my girls to so I have analyzed it to no end. I can post other pictures that show the actions more clearly when I get home, right now this is all I have with me. It doesn't look like Marco has PT to me, but as I said, I'm no expert and it could be very early in. Could it be a mild inner ear infection? I had one of those a while back and I remember the dizziness and clumbsiness... it was awful, like i forgot how to walk or something.
Here's the second video with one of his tumbles

Thanks for the photo, Crumblina. I'd be very interested in other photo's or video's..
Not sure if it'd be an ear infection.. didn't really think of that since he's always been a bit of a clutz, I just assumed it was progressing..
My very first girl was ALWAYS a clutz since the day I brought her home. She would fall off of EVERYTHING! Their cage had hammocks anywhere there was a drop just in case she decided to run off the edge for no reason *rolls eyes*.

If it seems to be the same as it always has, but more exaggerated, I would think he is just getting old.

If you are really worried though, and can afford to see a rat knowledgable vet, I would do so. It will make you feel better.

I will post the other cheerio test pictures I have on my computer when I get home. At least you will has something to reference with that part :) And that always helps.
I had plans on taking them both to the vet in Feburary anyways (driving out to a city that's an hour away).
They haven't seen the vet in a they are due for a check-up.
I am seeing a very slight tilt of his head to the right. he may have an inner ear infection. That would account for the dizzies, clumsiness, and the wobble as he eats his cheerio. He is grasping very well and his eyes are nice and bright. I am definitely on the fence about this being PT.
Ohhh wow, I never really noticed that slight tilt until you pointed it out, Shelagh. Interesting..
I'll have to watch for that next time I bring him out.

I'll keep everyone up to date on what the vet says. :)
MMak said:
Ohhh wow, I never really noticed that slight tilt until you pointed it out, Shelagh. Interesting..
I'll have to watch for that next time I bring him out.

I'll keep everyone up to date on what the vet says. :)

Sorry tilt is to the left (I obviously need to write L and R on my hands like a little kid :oops: )
lilspaz68 said:
MMak said:
Ohhh wow, I never really noticed that slight tilt until you pointed it out, Shelagh. Interesting..
I'll have to watch for that next time I bring him out.

I'll keep everyone up to date on what the vet says. :)

Sorry tilt is to the left (I obviously need to write L and R on my hands like a little kid :oops: )

No need to do that, just hold your index and thumb out and the left one makes an L :giggle: Ask me how I know!

I don't see PT though, I watched Cas everyday and Marco doesn't quite do the things Cas did (sitting on bum, hovering low to ground, never picking up food, scratch/cleaning and tumbling onto his back.)
I do however see inner ear infection. I haven't dealt with that in my boys yet, but I have in the past a lot. Can't wait to hear what the vet says and personally I hope its an IEI!
No worries Shelagh, it can go either way really..

Good to hear it's not looking quite like PT.
Hopefully I can get in to see the vet soon... I don't have my own vehicle and especially since it's so far away, I kind of have to rely on others who are willing to drive out that far.
Anything I can do in the mean time to help him out? Is it possible that I'd be able to see whether he has an infection in there or not?

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