Ok so her appt. is this monday at Crownepoint seeing as he seems to be good with the small animals and vary fascinated by them. Woah I had a hard time fitting her in seeing as I have appts. myself next week lol. So I told the recep. whats going on and I'll get the vet to give me pred. along with an antibiotic. I was thinking pred incase Maggie does not like the Brom as many rats seem to not always like it Im too far away to get to the vet again fast enough so we shall see if the pred works first. Now 2 things I wonder.. I know that PT varies in how fast it starts to really effect them.. if hers is slow Im worried being on the pred might take me too long to notice more symptoms and she could be taken off of it not knowing she has the PT.
And another question, say just for arguments sake that she doesnt have a PT Will this ped be ok to test her with ? I know that being on it too long is not good so again If I dont see any more signs occuring I'll be confuzed as what I should do LOL Hopefully this vet guy knows quite a bit about PT. Woah so Im happy everything is set up, it will be a hell of a drive so Im wondering if I should take Milly with us to comfort Maggie..theres always soooooo many poops when we travel to strange places LOL :giggle: