I found a lump on Onyx's testicle today. I'm going to assume...to remove it...the vet will probably just neuter him. Are most lumps on testicles cancerous?
It didn't really feel like one...it was pretty hard and move-able. Could that still be an abscess? Most of the ones I've dealt with I knew were abscesses off the bat because they were squishy and anchored.
The testicles are very movable so an abscess an in that area will move along with the testicles. Most of all abscesses I've dealt with were hard, not squishy. Can you try warm compresses?
Well I made a vet appointment for today...so she'll let me know either way. I find it easier to give them meds for it anyways...a compress on the testicles doesn't sound like a fun time LoL.
So my vet agreed that it was a tumor...so Onyx is getting the snip snip. Which actually works out alright because I was considering it anyways. He's always been a bit pushy and we'd like to get more rats eventually.
So the neuter is next Thursday. I'm assuming I could probably keep him and Tobi together post-op...they are both in the R-695 and have basically one has claimed the top and one the bottom (although they are open to each other).
Anything I should know about a neuter? (I'm sure my vet will talk to me about it too next week, but I figured I'd get some education now).