Lump on rat's mouth; appeared VERY suddenly

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New Member
Jul 28, 2012
United States
Hi there!

I've just noticed a small lump at the corner of my rattie's mouth. It appeared very suddenly (within an hour) while she was running around my room. I've searched the web, and nothing seems to shed much light on the matter. The lump does not possess abscess-like qualities, as it seems to be "beneath" the skin, and her fur is still in tact above the lump, but as it appeared so quickly, I also have a hard time believing that it is a tumor.

I have included a picture of Peeber, my 10-month-old baby girl, and the lump on the corner of her mouth.

Does anyone have a clue as to what this mystery lump may be?


Additional information: she is an only rat (no other rat could have bitten/scratched her) and has also been showing signs of a minor myco. flare-up over the last few days.
It could be anything but because of the location my gut says it's most likely an abscess. Even if it doesn't feel like a typical one. Regardless, any lump around the mouth should get immediate veterinary attention. If it's an abscess, it needs aggressive treatment in order to prevent serious complications, if it's a tumour you will need to discuss the options and implications with your vet and get something to ease the pain and inflammation in the near future.
Thank you all for your responses. My vet's office is closed until Tuesday, but I will do my very best to get her in Tuesday morning. She seems to be doing fine. The swelling has not increased at all, her fur is still in tact, and she is eating/playing like normal. Aside from the minor swelling, she seems to be her beautiful self. Hopefully she will stay this way until I can get her in on Tuesday.

In the mean time, I've heard that small doses of children's Ibuprofen can be given to rats to help with inflammation. Does anyone have more information on this subject or think that it may help in this situation?
Good luck with that weird lump!

It's so serious because it's on the face. It wouldn't be half as bad if it was on her rump or something. But you know, if it gets bigger, she'll have a hard time eating and it could damage her tooth growth(yikes, that's always a complicated and frustrating issue) or something else.
I wouldn't give her anything if she's not exhibiting any pain but definitely try the warm damp could even be a small abscess from her whisker bed or a bite.
Thank you all for your kind posts; I am so grateful to have had access to a community of people who are knowledgeable on such an under-appreciated species. Peeb is my baby, and as I result, I feel like I haven't stopped crying since it showed up on Saturday.

Luckily, the lump has not grown at all, and she is still not exhibiting any signs of pain. She is also eating and drinking normally, and I think she enjoys all of the extra snuggles that she is getting. The lump is not showing any signs that it is ready to break open and drain yet, and I'm hoping that I can get her to the doctor before that time comes. However, I was just informed that the only vet in my small college town that would see her is no longer practicing medicine.. this complicated things some. So I'm trying to see if someone in the office will still prescribe her some Baytril (in case the abscess is infected) to hold her over until I can get her to an exotic vet (two hours away) to drain it toward the middle of the week.

Anyway, I'm hoping that it's just an abscess caused by a bug bite or a whisker that got caught on something. But I appreciate all of the help and suggestions you all have given me. Please keep them coming, too, because as a first-time rat owner, I need all of the help I can get!
Unlike some other people, you will always have sympathy and support here for your rattie babies. :hugs:
I hope you get to the exotics vet this week...
I am VERY happy to report some wonderful news! Peeber saw a vet today that specializes in exotic animals. Although she did not like him and screamed at him the entire time he was in the room, he was able to examine her mystery lump and determined that it is indeed an abscess. He has no idea how it got there, because her teeth are in great condition and a bite from another rat is also not a possibility. Regardless, the lump is most certainly an abscess (as you all speculated) that can probably be treated with antibiotics (trimeth/sulfate?). If it is not gone in seven days, he said he would simply lance the abscess and clean it really well. I am so glad that it isn't more serious!

It was well worth the two hour drive to see this wonderful vet because, as I am a very poor college student, he cut me a huge break. He also said that he would charge no more than $25 to remove the abscess if it comes to that. I was extra appreciative of this, considering Peeb's terrible behavior at the office.

Again, thank you all for your help. It's good to know that there are kind people out there who know their stuff, especially if anything happens again!
I'm glad it's nothing too serious. Trim-sulfa is good for abscesses but I think it will take more than 7 days to get rid of it completely.

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