Luke update - intros a success!!

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SOOOOOOO he was neutered on Nov 5, which was this past Monday. We are now four days post neuter, Thursday 11/07/09....the test I had him out last night to play after everyone else came out and played with the tous in the same area. Usually he freaks, fluffs (dunny brush rat), and runs around vehemently trying to latch onto MY hand, not in a good way.

LAST night, was bliss! He came out to play. Put him on the bed with all of the other smells and he tottered around and sniffed and ran through some tunnels. I let him play with the stuff for a while and did some stuff around the condo, no fluffing or rudeness appearance.

Sat down on the bed with him and he came running up and plunked down next to my hand for scritches :holysheep: without I might add trying to latch onto my hand. Sooooo good things!!!!

As a side note, he has also stopped attacking me in the mornings. Used to be I would put breakfast in his bowl and my hand was bannished from "his" space, now I can touch his face and the bowl and even his back end and no attack rat.

All swelling has receded and he appears to be doing well.

I ALSO let him sniff Merial through the bars of her cage last night and he had no dunny brush attitude which to say the least is amazing.
congrats on your boy's reincarnation into a squishy :D I hope he continues to become squisher and squisher until he is just a big pile of squishy man rat to snorgle :tumkiss:
As of last Monday its been three weeks since he was neutered. We are starting to let him and the girls and neutered boys have daily playtimes together, one less chunk of time for me!!!! Playtime that is! Anyway so far so good. They all ignore each other for the most part still. Merial likes to goose Luke and hear him scream :roll: no big surprise there. Today after four playtimes they are finally trying to sniff at each other a bit and not all go to separate corners. So its going well. No blood and one less rat playtime for me and Luke has some friends, or is starting too!!!
Oh yah, she is a trip. I had them all out on the bed today and had Luke flipped on my back in my hands to look at his scab, she comes running up and grabs the fur on his belly and tried to nip him. I had to swat the little bugger away!!

She is quite full of energy~ I'm sure she is just still so playful, its not her being mean, just spirited!
Luke is officially living in the girl and neutered boy cage tonight!!!!!

We had a long playtime today and I scrubbed the cage down, the big cage that is, and replaced all the stuff with clean things. Mostly hammocks and a few cloth hidey things. That way no one can fight over the igloo!!

I'm sure I will hear some screeching tonight as they work out permanent status but all is well so far, they are sleeping!! :bananas: :cool3:


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