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I'm not sure where to go with this because some websites I've been to tell me that leaky eyes can be normal, while others say I should rush him to a vet right away.
My Loki has a little dried porphyrin at the corners of his eyes. I'm pretty sure he's had it since he was very young (he had it when I adopted him off my step sister, and he's had it since then as well). His eyes aren't swollen or red, he only very rarely sneezes (I've had him a month now and I've heard him sneeze maybe one time). He doesn't squint (unless he's just waking up from a nap, or if he's falling asleep). He's inquisitive and has a HUGE appetite (I mean huge, I have to be careful if I'm holding him and eating at the same time or he pops out of my sweatshirt and steals right off my spoon or even out of my mouth!) and I see him drinking regularly. His coat is smooth to the touch and thick (and very shiny and healthy looking). I've NEVER seen it around his nose, and the dried bits are always very small and he cleans them off just fine. I'm holding him right now and he doesn't have any around his eyes.
Could it just be that this is normal for him? I don't think he's stressed out. He spends most of his day in my bedroom where it's quiet. I'm not sure how well his diet is, because I feed him mainly a seed mix (I haven't been able to find lab blocks) but he and his brothers eat everything in the mix (they only leave empty seed shells in their bowl). I sometimes feed them mixed vegetables for dinner as well.
He plays with his brothers and he seems perfectly content. Is it possible that his eyes are just a little more leaky than average?
My Loki has a little dried porphyrin at the corners of his eyes. I'm pretty sure he's had it since he was very young (he had it when I adopted him off my step sister, and he's had it since then as well). His eyes aren't swollen or red, he only very rarely sneezes (I've had him a month now and I've heard him sneeze maybe one time). He doesn't squint (unless he's just waking up from a nap, or if he's falling asleep). He's inquisitive and has a HUGE appetite (I mean huge, I have to be careful if I'm holding him and eating at the same time or he pops out of my sweatshirt and steals right off my spoon or even out of my mouth!) and I see him drinking regularly. His coat is smooth to the touch and thick (and very shiny and healthy looking). I've NEVER seen it around his nose, and the dried bits are always very small and he cleans them off just fine. I'm holding him right now and he doesn't have any around his eyes.
Could it just be that this is normal for him? I don't think he's stressed out. He spends most of his day in my bedroom where it's quiet. I'm not sure how well his diet is, because I feed him mainly a seed mix (I haven't been able to find lab blocks) but he and his brothers eat everything in the mix (they only leave empty seed shells in their bowl). I sometimes feed them mixed vegetables for dinner as well.
He plays with his brothers and he seems perfectly content. Is it possible that his eyes are just a little more leaky than average?