La Jolla is gone.

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UPDATE: Back from the vet!

Okay so I took her into the vet. Different vet before, but this si the rat vet.

So, They listened to her lungs and such, loud breathing but no crackles or anything, they were very worried that she wasnt eating much. wanted to do an exray but my mom said to wait for that til monday.

They gave her 10 ml of sub Q fluids. They also gave me this.. gel food called Clear H20 : DietGel 76A Purified Soft Maintenance Diet . Never heard of it beofre but let me tell you it reeks! Supposed to be full of nutirence and hydrating. They opened it up to show me how to force feed her and lo and behhold she wen tto town! Ate a bunch all on her owna nd kept goign back to it too! he gave em soem syringes to force feed anyways but if she eats it on her own , thats even better :D I also got a refil of Baytril for all the rats and I got Zithro for Roxy. One vet said to take her off the doxy and put on the zithro but the other told me to keep her on all 3.

I also got soem meds to nebulize! You knwo what that means? I need to fidn a nebulizer D: Rack up the cost : p hopefully I cna fidn soemwhere the rents it.. I asked the vet to neb her once before we left but.. aparently they rented out all thier nebulizers -__- Not sure why they wouldnt keep one incase but cest la vie. gonan try to find one tonight or tomorrow.

Hopefully with all this added up she will get better!
Well, with shipping that woudl cost as much as getting it in store woudl be so might as well jsut buy ti here, then I dont have to wait for it to be shipped
Okay so I jst gave La jolla soem of tyhe gel food, a bit of ensure anda half a spoon of coconut milk! : ) She si already mroe perky! So glad her appiteite is back a bit!
She has taken a bit more ensure and soem water sicne ten and I foudn otu ym sister rented a nebulizer! So i will neb her ( and the others ) when she gets home! Wasnt even that expensive, the deposit was high but we get that back anyways, other than that 3 dollars a day, 15 a week 30 a month :joy:
Okay update time!

La Jolla took her meds beautifully! She lapped it all up so fast, she must have been thirsty! She got a dose od baytril, doxy and zithro. A few hours later and I already see an improvement ( I actually thoguht she was her sister! ) She wasnt breathign as hard and was bright eyed!

I made a nebulizing chamber and have the nebulizer but I honestly dont know exactly hwo to use it -___- I thought the vet todl em to put water in with the meds but my sister said the pharmacy told her to jsut put in the meds. Anyone help? ? Do i put in water as well ? If so, how much water do I put in with the meds. The vet said 2-3 mls 2 times a day for 5 minutes. If no oen can help I will sjut cal the vet tomorrow and save the first neb til then
Okay so, another update! Came up stairs , La jolla took a few bites of the gel food, a few licks of ensure and a few licks of coconut juice. She has a lot more energy! I took her out of her cage to get some snacks and she was go go go ! She climbed all over me and then took a flying leap from my shoulder to the bed then kept on running. She looks more wide awake and alert then this morning as well! Didnt want any water but she got some of the other fluids so that is good. Tomorrow I will neb her and keep with the meds an hopefully, things will keep progressing and she will be much better come next wednsday when I am of to vegas for 5 days D: we have a house sitter comign in but she has minor rat handlign skills and no sick rat skills. Thats why I hope she is much better by then, eating on her own would be great but thats wishful thinking, hopefully thought she will eat a bunch of ensure and such on her own at least, even if she cant do the lab blocks for now. Its gonna be an uphill battle but I'm willing to fight for her.
I shoudl put all these updates in one post : P I will start doing that now, jsut editting this one.

La Jolla is taking most of a 3ml syringe of the coconut juice every time I offer it * happy dance* I will switch to ensure now since its been 2 hours sicne her meds. Hopefully I can get her weight back up to pleasantly plump soon! Her breathign is also much better, she gets really laboured after drinking the juice, but thats cause she cant drink and breath well at the same tiem so she gets outta breath. he also ate a bit of cucumber and destroyed a good chunk of the nutrient rich gel food the vet gave us. Guess she is getting her appetite back : ) I am gonna pick up some distilled water from the store in a bit and I will nebulizer her after.
No saline? Oh. I thought you only used saline for nebulizing. So I guess theytold you distilled water then?

Definitely use the water. I use 4 ml's for 10 mins of nebulizing with the saline.
lilspaz68 said:
No saline? Oh. I thought you only used saline for nebulizing. So I guess theytold you distilled water then?

Definitely use the water. I use 4 ml's for 10 mins of nebulizing with the saline.

Im not sure, the vet never mentioned saline or gave me any , but I hear him mention water. Amber ( Theratqueen) says she uses distilled water. I have a med to mix with the water but I am gonna call the vet for details
LA Jolla just ate a nice piece of block! All on her own! We found her eating it : ) so we gave her a soft mushy on but she finished the hard one.
Yes me too : ) She si so good, eats tons of ensure and coconut milk and even gnaws on lab blocks! She ahs gains 6-10 grams ( coudlnt get an accurate reading) And her breathing is better! She isnt gasping and using her whole body to breath, normally, only when she gets excited : ) I am sooo happy. She hates the nebulizer but usually eats all her meds. She ahs really dark gooey poop but I figure that is a combination of all the liquid food and all the antibiotics she is on.

The other 3 are also improving, hopefully they can be off meds by wednsday ( Vegas time! ) So my rat sitter onyl has to deal with La Jolla.
Back from the vet! Med change again. Now La Jolla is off Doxy ( the others are still on Baytrill/Doxy) And she si now on Baytril/zithro and a bronchiodialator ( theo something. ) Hopeing this will be the miracle combo for her. Still stuffing her full of food.

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