kidney prob

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Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
Jul 21, 2007
central New Brunswick Canada
Do you have any suggestions for ratties with kidney prob.
Had to put Adam (was 2 yrs on July 8) to sleep a few weeks ago as his were so far gone.
Think his brother Monroe has the same problem now :(
Have a vet apt for tomorrow as was the soonest I could get (no exotic vets in this prov) ... feeding disolved lab blocks & baby ceral ... he has lost so much weight!! He isn't on any meds. Lots of water available and the 3 older guys in that cage drink a lot.
Little Jacqui has advanced kidney disease. I have her on cat food for renal failure, which can only be bought at the vet's. I also have her on baytril. Jacqui is putting on a little bit weight and her eyes are clearer now.
The cat food is the same as the one for dogs (same brand) but for cats. It's wet food and freezes well so I can make small portions and not waste most of the can after 3 days. Vet said the feline one is easier to digest for the rats. The food is k/d feline by Hill's prescription diet.
Thank you for the info.
Are there any other meds or vit suppliments that are given?

mamarat, is she on the baytril for the kidney prob. or for something else?
Is this food ok to feed other ratties? Monroe lives in a community cage with 2 other over 2 years old boys.
I don't recommend feeding that food to other rats, except for the ones that have lots of muscle loss. But also, they should have their blocks offered at all times. Cat food and dog food are not formulated for rats so do not contian all the proper nutrients.
Jacqui is also on Baytril only because she has other issues (tumours/masses) around her kidneys and she's susceptible to secondary infections right now.
All three boys have rear muscle loss and hind end degeneration.
Lyman is on baytril & pred.

Wondering if Monroe should also be on baytril & pred for his hind end ... or might it cause more prob. with his kidney probs....

Will also ask my vet but no exotic vets in this prov so no one here that knows a lot about rats.
I remember my vet saying something about Baytril not being good for rat with kidney disease, it might just be that they can't process it.

If your rats have muscle loss, a high fat diet will be beneficial to them. If they are older rats, keeping them with a low protein diet is beneficial as well.
Thanks for the info.
All three older boys have some muscle loss and hind end degeneration.
They are getting a 14% lab block (Harlan Tech 2014) - hard (always in their cage) and a 16% lab block (Hagen hamster) as mush. I will cut out the 16% protein lab block.
Have also been giving them some baby cereal daily.
Plus vegs like peas and fruit like bananas, water melon, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries.
Does this sound OK?
I will get some of the cat food from the vet tomorrow to supplement their diet.
Thanks ...
well vet check up yesterday and xrays at 7 am this morning ...
results from his urine indicate that Monroe's kidneys are not working very well - and he looks like he isn't feeling very well ... tho grooms himself, eats and still interested in life. Vet put him on fortekor and epakitin to see if it will help ... his heart, lungs, liver, etc look great on the xray.

Lyman, however, seems to have a heart problem. As of this morning, he is now on several heart meds and hopefully that will turn things around for awhile. The lump he had on his thyroid seems to have disapeared (he has been on pred and baytril for this).
Monroe seems to be doing a bit better .. at least he has more energy and is quite active. He isn't feeling well tho ... fur is puffy, and red around his eyes.
I think the meds from the vet may be making a bit of a diff. That and the baby ceral and disolved lab blocks with lots of olive oil. Couldn't get the exact type of cat food. Got a different kind of cat food for renal failure from the vet so am going to try that.

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